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Western Springs College Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Strategic Plan: 2016 – 2018
Te Rautaki Mahere Akoako a Western Springs College rāua ko Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Kura: 2016 – 2018

The Co-Governance Document of Western Springs College and Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Charter 
Te Rau Tikanga Rua o Western Springs College rāua ko Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Tūtohinga

Goal One
To attain the highest possible academic, cultural and sporting levels of student achievement


Whainga Tuatahi
Kia riro ai te kairangitanga e taea ai i te mātauranga, i te ahurea ā kura me te kōkiri a tinana ki a ia ākonga

This will be achieved by:
a) Maintaining outstanding academic results at all levels
b) Improving grade quality on the part of all students at all levels, particularly by
improving grade quality on the part of Māori students at all levels
improving grade quality on the part of Pacific students at all levels
improving the grade quality of boys across all levels
c) Further strengthening the learning culture of the junior school
d) Catering for the needs of gifted, talented and very able students
e) Personalising assessments
f) Developing students’ careers management competencies
g) Widely communicating and celebrating student achievements in the academic, cultural and sporting spheres
h) Further strengthen Ngā Puna o Waiōrea tikanga ako supporting outcomes of grade quality targets.
i) Continued on-going inclusion and development of kaupapa Māori specific subjects for learning deliver


Goal Two
To provide excellent teaching across all curriculum areas, with priority given to the attraction, development, recognition and retention of teaching, management and support staff

Whainga Tuarua
Kia tukuna te kairangaitanga o ngā āhuatanga ako i te katoa o ngā marautanga ako. Me matua aro ai te ātanga, i te whakaahu, i te whakaaetanga whakamihi, i te puritanga o te kāhui kaiako, i te whakaaetanga whakahaere ngātahi me ngā kaiako tauatoko

This will be achieved by:
a) Notifying vacancies in multiple forums in a form which compels interest
b) Engaging all teachers in a whole staff professional development programme designed to enable all teaching staff to develop their practice through teaching-as-inquiry
c) Building consensus about school-wide and curriculum area guidelines for the planning of modern learning environments
d) Enabling all teachers to consolidate their skills in carrying out effective learning conversations with students
e) Using a wide repertoire of e-learning strategies to enhance student learning
f) Pursue a consistent policy of recognising staff achievement and resourcing incentives aimed at retention
g) Improving teaching practice through appraisal processes aimed at supporting the use of effective pedagogies; embedding the revised attestation procedures
h) Engagement of Ngā Puna o Waiōrea staff into kaupapa Māori specific personal development programs
i) Ensure the moemoea, kupu rarangi tohutohu and tikanga of Ngā Puna o Waiōrea including whakatauki and whakatauaki are well acknowledged and communicated into everyday deliver

Goal Three
To achieve equitable status for Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Kura Rumaki and full co-governance status for Māori


Whainga Tuatoru
Ka poua ai i raro i te tikanga rua te mana motuhake mā Ngā Puna o Waiōrea me nga uri Maori katoa

This will be achieved by:
a) Permanently securing separate and adequate Ministry of Education resourcing for operations funding, staffing entitlements and property provision from 2018
b) Establishing an alternative constitution which gives formal expression to WSC’s co- governance policy
c) Nga Oho will ensure inclusion of all whanau Māori of Ngā Puna o Waiōrea and Western Springs College are well represented within the formalised alternative constitution and co governance policy structure

Goal Four
To continue to develop a safe, positive, supportive and inclusive school climate for learning and teaching

Whainga Tuawha
Ka whakawhanaketia tonutia he wāhi haumaru, tauatoko me te wairuatanga kōtahitanga mō te akoako

This will be achieved by:
a) Identifying, teaching and acknowledging the expected behaviours for tier one of Positive Behaviour for Learning School-Wide (PB4L)
b) Further developing comprehensive, site-specific health and safety systems and building an interdependent health and safety culture
c) Ensure tikanga kawa o nga matua tupuna is first and for most from within Nga Oho Nga Puna o Waiorea supporting all kaupapa Māori operations and delivery

Goal Five
To ensure that Board-level operations are closely aligned to WSC strategic plan goals and objectives


Whainga Tuarima
Ka whakatūturutia, ki tā Te Pōari a kura whakahaeretanga e hāngai ana ki te mahere akoako o Western Springs College me ōna whainga matua

This will be achieved by:
a) Framing board meeting agendas and reports around strategic plan development issues
b) Restructuring board committees to reflect strategic priorities
c) Aligning Waiorea strategic goals supported through Te Ohunga Ake and reporting consistent with WSC Board of Trustees

Goal Six
To manage the design and construction of the new school inspired by the vision of creating an outstanding teaching and learning environment


Whainga Tuaono
Ka tiakina ai te whakahoahoanga me te hanganga o te kura hou i roto i te manako o te waihanga he wāhi kairangi mō te akoako

This will be achieved by:
a) Developing a coherent vision for secondary education at WSC Waiorea in the new school which is well received and owned by the school community
b) Adopting an integrated sustainable design process for the planning of the new school
c) Developing a modern learning environment design which give full expression to the unique pedagogy, tikanga ako and Te Ao Māori developed by the WSC Waiorea teaching staff and provide sufficient flexibility for the further evolution of design in future years
d) Maintaining high standards of teaching and learning, and ensuring a safe, fit-for-purpose physical environment throughout the period of the rebuild (2017-2018)
e) Opening the new school at the beginning of 2019

Goal Seven
To develop and strengthen school-community alliances, partnerships and links


Whainga Tuawhitu
Kia whakapakarihia ake te tū takotako o te whānaungatanga ki ō ngā hāpori ā kura

This will be achieved by:
a) Developing and implementing a school marketing, branding and communications plan
b) Further developing links with former students through the alumni association
c) Establishing partnerships with local commercial and community organisations for fundraising and mutual beneficial business purposes
d) Harnessing the active support of current and prospective families in order to generate revenue for new school fundraising projects
e) Further enhancing existing relations and partnerships with Mana Whenua O Ngati Whatua including Te Ao Maori to strengthen Waiorea matauranga Māori delivery and outcomes

Goal Eight
To ensure that budget-setting and fund raising is in alignment with strategic school development priorities


Whainga Tuawaru
Kia whakamana i te kupenga rawa me te kohinga o te rawa e hāngai atu nei ki te rautaki me ngā whakawhānaketanga a kura

This will be achieved by:
a) Establishing continuous liaison between finance committee and senior managers with a view to identifying priorities and risks and, to initiating and confirming income and expenditure
b) Reviewing the caregiver contribution sought for the annual donation
c) Specifying fundraising priorities for the new school
d) Establishing the “Waiorea Trust” model supporting fundraising objectives

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