Principal's Notes
The old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” comes to mind as I look through the excited smiles and beaming faces as our students met the Prime Minister here at the College on Wednesday May 30th. Check out the small sample of the photos below and you will see what I mean. Jacinda Ardern used the term “youth …
Senior Report Evening
Reminder: Senior Report evening is on Thursday June 28th from 2-7pm
Booking details will be sent via email
Students are encouraged to attend with their whanau
Our theatre extravaganza The Addams Family – A New Musical has just concluded at TAPAC Theatre and what an incredible show it was! The Addams Family had sold-out audiences coming back for more to see two casts full of amazing talent. Students, teachers and crew have worked tirelessly to bring the show to life and were so proud to showcase …
Dance Students ‘On Tour’
Year 12 and 13 Dance students at YouDance, the Auckland secondary school dance festival, L-R: Huiarangi Te Kare, Malcolm Williams, Christophe Bate, Harmony Walker Takai, Georgia Menhennet, Kalea Tairi, Jae Lee and Eloise Woodley-Phillips. The students performed their own choreography created for the NCEA Achievement Standard 3.2 Choreograph a dance to develop and resolve ideas and inspired by topics related to …
Spectacular Theatre!
Well what a whirlwind start to term two! The Year 12 students kicked off in weeks 1 and 2 with a brilliant interpretation of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.' The four casts lead us in a rollicking romp through the Athean forest with madcap mayhem as the Oberon and Puck played havoc with the desires of the four young lovers. Lysander, …
ROCKQUEST this weekend!
Six of our young women will represent WSC - NPoW at Rockquest this weekend. Saturday 7pm-10pm : Violet Elliott, Pip Owles and Hanah Tayeb play 2 originals in the regional finals; their band is "Goldilocks" Sunday 4pm - 8 pm: Sofia Roger-Williams and Charlotte Bateman, known as "Cass", and Stella Renner- Allen performing as Stella Fogorelli compete in the solo/duo section of the competition. Both events are at …
Library Commission – 2018
WHO, WHAT, WHERE, HOW AND LEAST IMPORTANTLY WHY? By Oscar Perress Furness-Wills – Y13 2017 This work is based on the general work of novelist Franz Kafka, as well as his quote on the subject of books; "A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us" The work itself tries to be kafkaesque. It is a distorted and …
With the basketball season already upon us, 2018 is shaping up to be another busy year at Western Springs. With the rebuild fully underway the excitement is real and the knowledge of getting a new gym motivates the basketball programme to have doubled in their numbers with three Junior teams and 5 Senior teams competing this year. This season also …
Navigating Around the School
With the rebuild fully underway, at times navigation around the school was difficult and the use of mapping, GPS devices was trying, but we got there in the end and everyone adapted well to the changes. As we continue on our quest, special thanks has to go to the ever present Mr McIntyre and Ms Sami and the Sports Department …
More Orienteering Team Results
The Auckland Individual Champs were held this week in Woodhill Forest. The rain held off just long enough for everyone to run, before setting back in as we packed up. Western Springs again did very well, with Hattie Walker 1st in Junior Girls Standard, Juliet Frater 2nd and Andy Heathcote 5th in the Junior Girls Championship, Sylvie Frater 3rd and …
Auckland Relay Champs
At the Auckland Relay Champs, the Junior Girls (Juliet Frater, Andy Heathcote, and Hattie Walker) came a well deserved second, beaten by St Cuthberts, but holding off a resurgent Diocesan. The Intermediate Girls (Sylvie Frater, Anna Cory-Wright, and Nina Quinn), came a creditable fourth. The North Island Champs in Levin were great fun, with lots (and lots) of socialising with …
Cycling and Mountain Biking
2018 cycling and mountain biking has started with a new manager and coach plus great parent support. Cycling manager, Stella Green and new coach Kelvin MacNulty are committed to see Western Springs Cycling ride to new heights. Our new manager of mountain biking, Susan Gower, is keen to get more riders involved in the Auckland Secondary School race series. Thanks to all …
Library News
Our latest display was organised in response to my request for a library display of student work. Many thanks to Linda Dillon for the ‘Periodics Table’ display from 9KA and 10KA. Students investigated chemical elements. They researched key questions and displayed their answers in a poster with a 3D twist, a thinking tool, creating colourful and informative posters. Alongside we …
Languages Department
2018 International Languages Week took place in the last week of term one, with three events planned to celebrate the week. We started the week with the annual Cultural Dress Day on Tuesday, which was also a house point event competition. The staff and students were encouraged to dress up in a culture they represent or any culture they wish …
Careers Happenings
The Year 10 Careers Programme aims to broaden students’ ideas while developing their skills for further independent career research. Heads of Houses begin the week by demonstrating how NCEA works, including how to achieve the best results. With careers teachers, Year 10 students explore ways to investigate careers options based on their interests using an online tool called Dreamcatcher. After …
Auckland Writers' Festival 2018
On Thursday 17th of May, a group of 30 students went to the Aotea Centre to attend the annual School’s Programme of the Auckland Writers Festival 2018. Maia McRoberts reflects on the day: The Readers Writers Festival was an amazing opportunity, and generally a fabulous day. We were given the chance to hear from four different authors and poets. Being …
Wāhine Kākano
Six of our young women attended Wahine Kākano on Saturday 26th of May; Nganeko Wilson-Newman, Miracle Walker-Te Are, Shontae Blom, Jordyn Iosefa, Edie Balme, Helena Copsey and Khushee Jain. The event was hosted by The Human Rights Commission to mark 125 years of suffrage, and included a heartening keynote discussion from Jacinda Ardern, a variety of diverse and uplifting panelists, …
National Council of Women Speech Competition
The annual National Council of Women’s speech competition was hosted on Thursday the 17th of May. The topic was ‘100 years on - where to from here?’. Congratulations to our entrant, Cesarina Mazza-Carson, who was awarded third place. Cesarina was the only Year 11 student to enter and competed against strong senior students from across Auckland. Her spoken word style …
PAG Movie Night Fundraiser
WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE - HOMESTAY FAMILIES WANTED FOR: TERM 3, 2018 & TERM 1, 2019 Our school welcomes applications from local families who maybe interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families to host & care for International students (male or female, long or short term). We offer a good remuneration to cover student …
Closure of MOTAT Driveway
We have received the following communication from MOTAT. “We would appreciate it if you could advise your community that the driveway is no longer accessible for public thoroughfare and parking. We appreciate that this may be viewed as an inconvenience, but we are unable to leave the driveway open any longer. We are hoping that the precinct parking study …
Most current bus services in Auckland’s Central Suburbs will change from 8 July 2018
The biggest change to Auckland’s bus network kicks off in the Central Suburbs on Sunday 8 July 2018 – and we need your help to tell the community! New bus routes, new route numbers, new timetables are all ready to go. For most people this just means improved bus services. However, some suburbs will have significant changes and users will need to re-plan …