Principal's Notes - Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!
Happy New Year to all of our Springs-Waiōrea community! I hope that you all enjoyed the Christmas/New Year period with your family and friends, and that you've been enjoying the brilliant weather! As I said in my Junior prizegiving address: “students, as you leave here today, think of how lucky you are to be a young New Zealander enjoying the …
Start of Term 1, 2024 - some key dates
Here are some key dates and events for the first 5 weeks of Term 1, 2024. Week 0 Wednesday 24th January 2024 - Western Springs College main reception reopens Week 1 Monday 29th January 2024 - Auckland Anniversary holiday Tuesday 30th January 2024 - Teacher Only Day & Start of Term 1, 2024 Wednesday 31st January 2024 - All NPoW …
2023 year-end THANKS from WSCW staff
Every year, our WSCW staff are grateful for some of our wonderful community members who provide treats, gifts or services to us without wanting any acknowledgement in return. However, we would like to acknowledge a few groups of people were very generous to our staff in 2023: 1. The Parents' Action Group (PAG) Thanks to PAG for organising the Movie …
2023 WSCW Online Yearbook - now live!
Our WSCW 2023 Yearbook is now available online on our Yearbook companion website here. All of the WSCW Yearbooks from 2019 are also available on our website here, and these can be accessed from our school website under the “News and Events” tab and then you can select “Yearbook Companion website“.
Moe mai rā/Rest in peace dear Trina
It is with much sadness that we share news of the death of our loved colleague, Trina Sellers. Trina taught at WSCW for 17 years, primarily teaching in the Learning Centre, but in recent years she led our staff bi-cultural rōpū and took over as Director of the school Chamber Group. On Monday 20th of November, we joined Trina's family …
Congratulations to all of our Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (WSCW) Junior learners (Years 9 & 10) who received awards at our Junior Prize-Giving on the last day of school (Wednesday December 13th, 2023) in recognition of their efforts during the 2023 school year.
Western Springs College - Homestay Families Wanted
Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families to host & care for our WSC International students (male or female, long or short term). We offer a remuneration to cover student costs ($340 per week in 2024). If you are interested in becoming a host family please contact our Service …
Rehekōrero Australia Article
Picture this, 30 degree weather, performing poetry every night to fresh ears, and the sunburned shores of Australia. That’s what we, the Spoken Word group, Rehekōrero, experienced just earlier this month when we travelled over to Melbourne in Australia for the Trans-Tasman Poetry Slam against other high school poets. We leapt across time zones like caffeinated kangaroos, and brought home …
Amelie Fairclough wins Gold at the NZSS Athletics Champs!
Our 2023 Year 13 Sportswoman of the Year, Amelie Fairclough, recently won 1st place/Gold medal in the Senior Girls 400m race at the NZ Secondary Schools Track and Field Champs, which were held in Christchurch. Amelie was also named in the NZ Secondary Schools Track and Field Championships Team for 2023 - one of a total of 28 girls named. …
Skylah Tainui-Takerei awarded Tania Dalton 2024 Scholarship
A huge congratulations to Skylah Tainui-Takerei (Y12) who was one of 14 young ladies who was recently awarded a 2024 Scholarship from the Tania Dalton Foundation. This is an amazing opportunity for Skylah and we are excited to see what the future holds for her! In 2023, Skylah also debuted for the NZ Touch Blacks Open Women’s squad at the …
Tēnā koutou, I am Carmel, the new Head of Music at Springs Waiōrea, and I have returned to a school that I loved when I was the singing teacher here in 2014-2015. I arrived just in time to see our Chamber Group and Jazz Band achieve amazing results at the KBB Festival, and Year 11 band Buzz reach the Smokefree …
Farewell & best wishes!
As this academic year comes to an end, we would like to bid farewell to two of our teachers, Peter Thyberg (left photo) and Jack Wilson (right photo). We would like to acknowledge their contributions to the Maths Department and wish them success in their future endeavors. We also would like to wish all our students and their families …
Dance - Highlights of 2023
Trips to see amazing Dance shows - Ko Au by Projekt Team, Shel We by Tupua Tigafua in Tapac Theatre, He Huia Kaimanawa by Bianca Hyslop, TOMO by Gaby Thomas / Atamira Dance Company. Fabulous guest tutors taught a range of dance styles and supported our dance kaupapa: former WSCW student Taniora Motutere (Popping & Street Dance), Sherrick Martin (Dance …
Wastewise is one of the four Wises groups at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna O Waiōrea. The other three Wises are Travelwise, Healthwise, and the newly minted Digiwise. Each group has a teacher facilitating (Jared Hockley, Ada Wong and Deb Thompson), a number of Year 13 leaders as well as a core group of incredible rangatahi and many others who join …
Thanks for supporting our 2023 Social Studies Market!
Thank you to everyone involved with the 2023 Social Studies/Tikanga ā-iwi Sustainable Xmas Market, which was held on Wednesday 6th December. Many people put in a lot of work to help make the market a success, and over $3500 was raised for our five chosen charities.
Used Physical Education (PE) uniforms
To our Senior students and Year 10 students, If you are no longer intending on taking Physical Education (PE) as an Option from Year 11 onwards, we would appreciate any donations of used, good condition WSC green PE t-shirts and WSC black shorts. Please drop any donations to the main office or give them to your PE teacher at the …
2024 Stationery ordering from OfficeMax
Our 2024 Stationery packs are available for ordering now from OfficeMax. Your child’s class list is already loaded. Just go to myschool.co.nz. Simply add your details, check that you want everything on the list, then click and confirm — and OfficeMax will get your delivery underway with free delivery on orders over $70^. You can pay by internet banking, credit card …
From the WSCW School Nurses
Kia ora e te whānau, The nurses are located in the green building in the corner of the carpark just along from Tapac. In 2024, if your child has health needs that you would like to discuss with us, please feel free to drop in once school resumes (please sign in at the office first) OR give us a call …
Business In Service to the Community (BISC) Directory
100 Motions Rd, Western Springs,
Auckland 1022, New Zealand