Principal's Notes
School zoning is in the news again - for multiple reasons. Springs is in the fortunate position of not having to rely on out of zone enrolments to prop up its roll, which incidentally, currently stands at 1458. We have only accepted in-zone enrolments since 2009, because we believe strongly in being a community school of choice. Thanks to the …
Chaos at the School Gate
The school gate area and exit area of the ACC car park is a highly hazardous area. In the interest of safety for all we ask you to be vigilant around the school start and finish times. Please take extra care when dropping off and collecting your children with the current build works in the school and on Motions Road …
About Time We Talked
This is an event with a team of others called, About Time We Talked, with the aim of transforming conversations between parents and teenagers. Our panel of experts will tackle questions relating to sex and relationships, gender, sexuality, porn, technology, social media etc and will offer advice so parents feel equipped to speak with their teens about these issues. The event …
Congratulations to Waiorea Student - Isabella Ashby
Waiorea would like to share with you the following email which was penned by Whaea Jess Tēnā tātou katoa, This evening it was my honour and privilege to attend the Te Ara a Kupe Beaton Scholarship Awards Ceremony (Set up by Crimson’s Co-Founder and CEO – Jamie Beaton) alongside Isabella Ashby and her mātua. Bella applied for this scholarship and …
Featured we have our annual Dance Showcase Collections in Week 10, as well as Talent Quest! Check dates to follow, and add to your list of must-sees to support the incredible work of junior and senior students in these annual showcases of talent. Recently we enjoyed Reflections, our Y13 Dance Showcase. Enjoy the dance photography by Nina Gastreich in this …
Waiora - Health Centre News
The Health Centre has had a busy Term 3 with the expected illnesses affecting staff and pupils i.e. colds, strep throats, tonsillitis, gastroenteritis, hayfever and others. Also the occasional rogue infectious disease - whooping cough and mumps, which you have been notified about via email, with links to Ministry of Health Guidelines. General guidelines for common symptoms Diarrhea or vomiting …
Library Week - Our annual event was largely organised by the wonderful library monitors. They seem not to mind my usual haranguing to meet deadlines resulting in yet another successful Library Week. They operate well as a team and were responsible for the questions in both the Form Class quiz and the Inter-house Quiz. The Form Class Quiz which was eligible …
PAG (Parent Action Group)
On behalf of the senior girls First XI, we would like to thank PAG for contributing to our national Kathy Seaward tournament costs this year. The team thoroughly enjoyed the tournament last week. We were placed in a tough pool and narrowly missed out on a place into the top eight. Despite this, the girls held an amazing attitude and …
Careers/Rebuild/Health & Safety
On Wednesday in the library we hosted a Careers Seminar for senior students wanting to look into the world of Engineering, Construction and Trades associated with our own development - the rebuild and development of Western Springs College, Nga Puna o Waiorea. We were fortunate to have our very own ex student Chris Lines who is a graduate Engineer and …
Rebuild Update
Here is an update of the rebuild over the past few weeks and what is planned for the next 4 weeks. Waiorea Build Site (Whare Tapere, Whare Ako) - ongoing works New Main Teaching Block - ongoing works, secondary steel installation, combined service trench installation West Wing, Level 1 concreting, curtain wall installation, West roof cladding, first fix service installation, Level 1 …
International News
This September, exam week, was a week to test how much our short term international students knew and loved about Auckland. We held a Scavenger Hunt Project by dividing the nine students into Green Team and Blue Team. Each team had to visit nearly 30 interesting places in Auckland such as Auckland Museum, Sky Tower, Ferry Terminal and Cornwall Park, …
Community Notices
Situations Vacant - Library Assistant
We are looking for an enthusiastic person with a passion for reading along with these skills: library qualifications and or experience, use of Accessit or other Library Management System, cataloguing using SCIS, assisting with book selection, communicating with classes and small groups. This is a part-time position of 15 hours per week (with the possibility of an increase to 20 …
Auckland Land Search & Rescue and NZ Police Search & Rescue Squad are conducting a SEARCH & RESCUE EXERCISE (SAREX) in the Point Chevalier area - Saturday 8.00am 29/09/2018 through to Sunday 30/09/2018 1.00pm. The SAREX will be from the Pt Chevalier shops north to Coyle Park east to Western Springs Park, up to the fence of MOTAT. The zoo …