Principal's Notes
QSD Survey – your chance to have your say! We have just completed our New Zealand Council For Education Research Well Being @School surveys with our students and teachers, with overwhelming affirmation of the things that we do here at Springs/Waiorea. More detail on this a bit later in this report. As parents, now it is your turn to tell …
Help us raise money for laptops for WSC/NPoW students that genuinely can't afford them
This is a fundraising initiative to raise money for laptops for WSC/NPoW students that genuinely can't afford them - this is a huge education equity issue! It is about doing online surveys (approx. one every two months) and Springs/Waiorea being paid for it. Important.... - You are likely to only get one survey every 1 or 2 months (so not …
Entertainment book - great time to purchase
Performing and Visual Arts showcase at Ponsonby and Pasadena Intemediate Schools Last week we visited both Pasadena and Ponsonby Intermediate Schools for our annual Arts Showcase. Arts Leaders Sienna Davidson, Amy Morrin and Niamh Maher supported the showcase of talent and all who travelled represented the creative arts at our school so well. There was an exciting line-up of Dance, …
Link To Story on Marae Featuring WSC-NPoW
The first 6 minutes feature Western Springs College Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. Here is the link
They are going to the Nationals!! Congratulations to our Chess players. The nationals are in Christchurch on 17 October. All the best.
News From The International Department
In Term 2 this year we have a theme of “UNIQUE ME” for the international student group. A big group of international students by now have met high expectations or made great progress, among whom are Kanako Hara (from Japan) and Chao Yang (from China). Here are the “unique” messages from them. Kanako Hara from Japan Yr 13 At Western …
June 2019 Winter is here -- time for gumboots, raincoats, winter jumpers. Time for winter sports, time to enjoy cold sunny days, time to prepare for spring. Of Special interest: Colds: A cold takes 7-10 days to get better regardless of what you take for it. Over the counter meds help you cope with the symptoms. Panadol, Day and Night decongestant tabs, lozengers …
New Zealand Police - 105 Non Emergency
NZ Police recently launched a new non emergency number, 105. We’ve done this to make it easier to get hold of us in the event of non-urgent situations or ‘Things which have Already Happened’, which don’t require Police assistance immediately. You can call us on 105 for all non emergencies, or you can go online at 105.police.govt.nz to report things like: - …
PAG - The Light Project - Links
Thanks so much to the 50 or so people who made it along on Thursday evening – what an excellent presentation it was. It’s not too late to donate towards the costs, please consider doing so! The PAG account is 12-3022-0377515-000 As promised on the night, Jo from The Light Project has sent through the PDF link to her presentation, …
Plastic Free July - Some Ideas
WSC Student Stars in The Wolves
A student of Western Springs College, Queenie Samuel, is performing in the show The Wolves with Silo Theatre at Q Theatre – Loft, opening THIS WEEK. qtheatre.co.nz/wolves Attached below is information that you can share in your newsletter. Please let me know if you have any questions I can answer for you. All the best! To secure tickets to Silo Theatre's …
TERM 3 STARTS 22 JULY Did you know that people who actively engage with the arts have higher levels of life satisfaction, a positive self-image, less anxiety about change, and are more tolerant and open to diverse others? Boost your wellbeing this winter by enrolling in a performing arts class. We're running more than 50 dance, drama, musical theatre and singing classes …
Kia ora Auckland! We're back in our home city and can’t wait for July! Over the School Holidays we will be premiering Matariki For Tamariki by accomplished New Zealand dancer and choreographer Sean MacDonald (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāi Tahu), which is also proudly a part of Auckland's Matariki Festival. This is no ordinary programme! We will have six performances across two weekends at …
We will have an awesome FREE hang out space open for all teens, where we will be running fun youth development activities for them! It would be amazing if you could help us spread the word as we aim to help build their self-confidence, self-esteem, social skills with their peers and just ensure that they have an awesome and productive time over …
100 Motions Rd, Western Springs,
Auckland 1022, New Zealand