Principal's Notes
When schools are closed...what matters and what does not: Does it matter that students are not in a physical place called school? Professor John Hattie (of Visible Learning and e-asTTle fame) believes, and he has the research to back it up, that there is little reason, for instance, to believe that the length of the school year (impacted as it …
Learning to adapt to the challenge of lockdown
Learning to adapt to the challenge of lockdown For teachers: this is your time to show why you chose to be teacher, to demonstrate the passion you have to unlock ideas and knowledge in young minds and to connect with our young people in the most positive of ways, in the most difficult of times. Sure, it may be challenging, …
How to make your own sour dough starter If you don’t have any yeast, because it’s all been panic bought during lockdown, it’s still possible to bake delicious fluffy bread at home. Healthy Food Guide editor Jenny de Montalk explains how to make and maintain your own sour dough starter. Read now
When children learn from home, it is important to help them stay safe while they are online.
Library news
Now is a good time to read an eBook Since you are unable to visit the library, it is a good opportunity to browse our eBook collection where you will find many interesting titles of your choice of genre. There are classics, fantasy, mystery and much much more. Here are instructions, in case you have forgotten or did not know …
Getting help from the Learning Centre from home
Getting Help from the Learning Centre from home We are happy to set up an appointment with students. An appointment can be made by contacting one of us via email. It can be made during the school day or for the end of the day - after 1:45 pm. We will set up a google meet for the agreed time. …
Counsellors' contact details
The counsellors are still available for students to talk with online. Sue poupouares@wsc.school.nz Linda beanl@wsc.school.nz Phil squires@wsc.school.nz
Lockdown solidarity from Wales
I bought this little book as a present for a friend just before lockdown started and as I could not pass it on I started texting them a photo of a page or two each day. Then I thought I would email the author, Anne Cakebread, to ask if I could also share it with staff too during the lockdown; Anne …
Tips for learning from home
Auckland Transport
Kia ora, The Government has announced that New Zealand will be moving to Alert Level 3 on Tuesday 28 April. While some restrictions will be relaxed, many lockdown conditions remain in place. You should only travel or use public transport when your journey is absolutely essential. While wearing of masks is not needed on public transport, we suggest that customers …
Sports update
Kia ora koutou katoa The last few weeks have been very challenging times for us all and we do hope that everyone is well both mentally and physically. This letter is information for both students and parents to give you steps that have been taken so far, and an update of what sports will look like moving forward. The WSC Sports Department …
News from the International Department
As New Zealand and the world headed into unprecedented times, the international department also faced some challenges with our international students and their needs. Our international students and homestays alike needed time and guidance to settle into their new lockdown routines together. For other students who were due to leave at the end of term 1, new tickets were needed …
Change making at Springs: News from our sustainability groups - Travel Wise walk to school promotion
In term 1, the Travel Wise panel started their first promotion, about walking to school. The goal was to encourage more students to walk/bike etc. to school, we made an exception for students who had to travel by car/bus, as long as they walked a decent distance (around 500m-1km) after getting out of the car or off the bus. As …
Our Kaitiakitanga group is under the guidance of the Para Kore ki Tamaki group. Para kore is made up of two ex-Western Springs Ngā Puna o Waiōrea students, Waiata Rameka and Pianina Kahui - McConnell . Our workshops have now gone online. The latest one was focussed on Climate Change. The most important information we got from that session was …
The Cup Project
Some of us are finding we have extra time at home at the moment. While cleaning out cupboards, keep an eye out for the jars in the photo below. Clean them & keep them (& lids if possible) aside to drop off at the school office when we are open again. Like many other projects, the Cup Project …
The four wises panels at Springs / Waiōrea came together for the first time in a hui at the end of February. The panels are led by year 13 students and one to two teachers from each wises group. Our four wises groups are Kaitiakitanga, Healthwise, Travelwise & Wastewise. Before we started, we planned activities to engage the whole school …
Waste Wise at the New Parents' BBQ
This year the Waste Wise team set up a gorgeous green stall at the New Parents BBQ for the new year nines and their whanau. This was endeavouring to try and encourage them to make and reuse eco-friendly alternatives to disposable packaging to try and minimise WSC’s unnecessary waste. There were beeswax wraps and other forms of sustainable packaging on …
Our staff wins the Love to Ride Competition
Love to Ride is a nationwide promotion/competition that aims to get companies and institutions on their bikes during the month of February. Our staff recognises the importance of role modelling good practice around transport. We already have a handful of riders rain-hail-or-snow and plenty of others who are semiregular. But we certainly stepped it up for Bike Month this year. …
Better Futures Report (Colmar Brunton & SBC)
Colmar Brunton recently hosted an event with the Sustainable Business Council to release the latest findings of their Better Futures Report. This year for the first time in the report they included input from kiwi youth aged 13 -17 yrs old to understand whether youth concerns are the same or different to adult concerns. Among the highest concerns for youth …
Ngā Hekaheka o Aotearoa - Manaaki Whenua
Last term some Year 9 students visited Manaaki Whenua (Landcare) to learn about Ngā Hekaheka o Aotearoa - our fungi. We got to view many amazing fungi, to see how the national collection of NZ fungi is stored and to bring some edible fungi back to school to grow. Some students even got to eat them. Growing edible fungi at …
100 Motions Rd, Western Springs,
Auckland 1022, New Zealand