Principal's Notes
Senior Reports: Reports for Years 11, 12 and 13 students are due to be sent out to whānau at the beginning of Week 10 of this term (July 5th). These reports are crucial in signalling progress towards NCEA this year. Final results for internals that have already been completed will show on these reports, as well as progress grades. Progress …
Ms Liao-Marsden uses a reusable cup to soup from the Canteen Ethically Kate Visited WSCW Kate Hall, known as Ethically Kate, is an educator, activist, and blogger who advocates for daily habits that respect and protect people and the planet. Kate came to talk to our students and share some tips in order to live a more sustainable life. Demonstrating …
Swimming – North Island Secondary Schools' Championships The Western Springs Swim Team of Tess Whineray, Nauatea Crosswell, Hereata Crosswell, Abigail Sharp, Tom Kenny, Sam Kenny, Tobias Beaumont, Jasper Stevenson and Koen Dettling took 10 medals at the North Island Secondary School Champs in Wellington over the weekend of 12-13 June. Tess Whineray took Gold in the 16 Year old girls' 100m …
North Island Secondary Schools Orienteering Champs 2021 Western Springs had a team of 10 students competing at the NISSOC in Palmerston North from Thursday 29 April – Saturday 1 May. Congratulations to the following place getters: Juliet 2nd in the sprint, 3rd in the long (Senior Champ Grade) Eli 2nd in the long (Senior Standard Grade) Riley 3rd in the …
The team has had a great month! On Wednesday 9th June we held our annual Peace Ambassador Training Day run by the Peace Foundation. As usual it was very successful - there was positive feedback from the students on the skills that they learned, and from the facilitators - they loved the enthusiasm and engagement of our students. We talked …
More Sports News
BADMINTON Senior Boys Green (Ollie Burton, Andrew Bancale, Chris Taing, Eric Davidson) Our Green team are still undefeated after 5 rounds. They played their closest rivals Auckland Boys last week and in a close game won 4-2. With 4 rounds still to play, this team now looks odds on favourites to win a title. Senior Boys White (Kadek Dana, Mark …
Auckland Squash Competition
On Tuesday 15th of June to Wednesday 16th, the senior girls' squash team attended the Auckland Champs competition. We went into the event for the experience that comes with it. After winning our first game against Westlake Girls we realised that our chances of placing highly were more possible than we expected. We had a trip to McDonalds in-between games where the …
Thankyou for your amazing contribution!!! So far $4264.89 already raised for the WSCW 40 hour Famine Campaign. Stunning result - thankyou to all those who contributed with their very original fundraising campaigns!!! If you still want to contribute then go here Above - Cake sale and 40 hour Famine Fundraising Campaigners - Ruby Wilson (13) , Isabelle Thomson-Harder (13), Alivia …
News from the International Department
Introducing the newly structured international department The International Department is under a new staffing structure now, where Joanne Qiao is still the International Director, Yuki Tsukihara is the Service Administrator, and Shirley Chen is the Business Administrator. As the Service Administrator, Yuki will focus on providing the quality services in students’ homestay recruitment and placements, as well as the pastoral care …
Tēnā koutou katoa It has been another busy term in the all Arts areas of Western Springs College Ngā Puna O Waiōrea. I would like to take this moment to aknowledge the time, energy and aroha our Arts ākonga and kaiako have given to their work this term. There have been many hours spent exploring, rehearsing and refining in each …
Digital Learning Update June 2021
Our digital citizenship programme has focussed on digital distraction and the fair use of our wi-fi resources this term. It is expected that students will put their phones in their bags at the start of class and use their devices/laptops for learning, unless the teacher asks them to use two devices or their phone for learning. There are two reasons …
Auckland City Mission Appeal Many form classes are currently taking part in the Social Studies Auckland City Mission Appeal. Last year the Mission provided 45,000 food parcels to Auckland-based individuals and families who were in desperate need. If you are able to donate some non-perishable items from this list we would greatly appreciate it. Donated goods can be given to …
Guest speakers Joe Vagana, Trow Group, and Garry Lawrence, Garry Lawrence Roofing Ltd, shared their business experience with two classes of Year 11/L1 Business Studies students this week."Sharing real life stories from business owners, of their unique businesses into the classroom, adds value by allowing students to ask questions and understand some real life challenges and opportunities business owners face" …
100 Motions Rd, Western Springs,
Auckland 1022, New Zealand