Principal's Notes
The ‘architectural award season’ has seen Springs/Waiōrea scoop the pool in multiple categories in the education sector beating all comers to take the NZ Institute of Architects Ted McCoy Award for Education; a Merit Award from the Property Council; a ‘silver’ from the Designers Institute of NZ for the signage used both within and outside the buildings – and now …
Coming up! Junior Arts Festival 2020 Wednesday 2nd December One Theatre show only – 4PM! Free! Junior Art on show -3:10-4PM! TAPAC Theatre and Foyer Students, families, friends and staff are invited to our annual Junior Arts Festival – celebrating the work of junior Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Visual Arts on Wednesday 2nd December 2020. We are so very …
Young Enterprise Scheme (YES)
Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) success at the West Auckland Regional Finals A Western Springs College Company was among the prizewinners at the YES West Auckland Regional Finals held at the B:HIVE, Smales Farm, on Wednesday 21st October. Zuli, a company run by Brodie Dye (CEO), Logan Park, Nicholas Tjong, Nathan Bell and with special mentoring from Sutham Krasaeboot, designed and …
Homestay families wanted
WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE - HOMESTAY FAMILIES WANTED FOR 2021 Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. We are looking to recruit new host families for when the NZ borders open to overseas students. We also have current WSC International students needing temporary host families as there is always movement and changes. Ever thought of hosting an International …
Interschool Mathex Competition
Last Wednesday we took three teams out to the annual Auckland Mathex Competition at the Barfoot Stadium in Kohimarama. Let's just say we came in the top 70. There were about 100 teams from each year level competing which was pretty good given it had been rescheduled from term 3 because of lockdown. 800 kids running around doing Maths, every …
Solar Power project soon to be a reality
Thanks to the generosity of our community, whanau, alumni and local businesses we have achieved our goal of raising enough funds to install a 50kW PV solar array on the Ken Havill Centre for Learning. The installation is planned for the January, 2021 school holidays. This community funded project is all about making a difference Making a tangible difference to …
Need to move some old IT gear?
We are going super well with our Tidy Tech Kiwi IT collection service. We have collected approximately 15 large skip bins of unwanted technology items. These items have earned WSCW $4,619 in funding. ALL items are data sanitised and securely wiped upon collection. They are refurbished and gifted to schools and start up businesses in third world countries. This is …
News from the International Department
The NCEA exams started for our senior students this week following last week’s busy schedule with the farewell dinner and the prize giving ceremonies. At the farewell dinner, our Year 13 students and the other leavers who are returning to their home countries gathered at a local Chinese restaurant. They enjoyed sharing their memories at Western Springs College and their …
On Friday the 4th December, the Tikanga ā- Iwi /Social Studies Department is running our (now) annual 'Sustainable Christmas Craft Market'. Just about all Year 9 students are involved in this event and they have been very busy coming up with incredible sustainable items to sell. The students will be out of class on that day for periods 1, 2 and some …
Back to school stationery – order now! We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make getting school ready faster! Your child’s class list is available now on the OfficeMax MySchool website – myschool.co.nz. We encourage you to order early to ensure your child has all their stationery requirements ready to go for the start of Term 1. Don’t wait until mid-January …
Would anyone who has a pair of school crutches at home please return to the Nurse in Waiora.
Rubbish Collection Changes
Auckland Council has signed new contracts for waste collections across mainland Auckland for the next 10 years. Rubbish collectors will be using new and improved routing, so residents may notice the rubbish truck arriving at a different time of the day. Please ensure you place your bin out by 7am on your collection day to avoid missing your pick-up. This is a …
BISC - Building in Service of Community
100 Motions Rd, Western Springs,
Auckland 1022, New Zealand