Principal's Notes
Principal’s Notes: It is with much pleasure that I announce the appointment of Julie Debreceny to the position of associate principal here at Western Springs College/Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. I know the community will be overjoyed at this appointment as many of you have shared with me the value of ‘Julie time’ in relation to the pastoral care of your …
Heads of House and Yr 13 Academic Directors 2021
Atea Co Heads of House Clare Smith responsible for Yr 11 smithc@wsc.school.nz Benjamin Allen responsible for Yr 9, 10 & 12 allenb@wsc.school.nz Kapura Co Heads of House Tetoki Tepaki responsible for Yr 9 & 11 tepakit@wsc.school.nz Freddie Simpson responsible for Yr 10 & 12 simpsonf@wsc.school.nz …
Yearbook 2020
Given the budget constraints this year, the decision has been made to do an online companion Yearbook website only. Here is the 2019 version. The 2020 version will be ready from mid December onward.
Bring your own Devices - BYDO
Western Springs College operates a fully wireless network and is integrated into the high speed Network 4 Learning providing an always on internet connection. As a result of this we are able to support a full BYOD learning environment for students at all levels. All students are expected to bring a suitable device to school with them to support their …
Lumino The Dentists
Please be aware that the dental bus will be back at school in the first week of term one, 2020, to catch up on those that have been missed.
Homestay families wanted
WESTERN SPRINGS COLLEGE - HOMESTAY FAMILIES WANTED FOR 2021 Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. We are looking to recruit new host families for when the NZ borders open to overseas students. We also have current WSC International students needing temporary host families as there is always movement and changes. Ever thought of hosting an International …
Huge congratulations to the 2020 Year 13 Scholarship winners. In what was a challenging year, Western Springs College - Ngā Puna O Waiōrea students did themselves proud, with over 51 scholarships and several special awards - including a Prime Minister's Vocational Award - won from seven NZ Universities. These accolades celebrate academic excellence as well as leadership, sporting and cultural achievements …
Earphones at Western Springs College Ngā Puna O Waiōrea
This article seeks to answer some frequently asked questions whānau have about earphones at school. Why are earphones a recommended item on the stationary list? For kaiako and ākonga (teachers and students) to best utilise our Innovative Learning Environment (ILE), earphones allow for flexibility in lesson delivery and are required on occasions to ensure the most effective use of a …
Back to school stationery – order now! We’ve teamed up with OfficeMax to make getting school ready faster! Your child’s class list is available now on the OfficeMax MySchool website – myschool.co.nz. We encourage you to order early to ensure your child has all their stationery requirements ready to go for the start of Term 1. Don’t wait until mid-January …
News from the Science department
Zoo trips Some of our Year 9 classes have visited the zoo over the last few weeks, to learn about global sustainability, animal adaptations & rongoā Māori. Check out some photos below. Walk across the Auckland Volcanic Field Some of our year 10 students walked part of the Coast to Coast walk recently, to visit three maunga in …
Peace Ambassadors
Despite all the disruptions of this year the Peace Ambassadors have packed in lots of events and activities. As well as raising money for charities there has been a strong focus on volunteering over the last 2 years, including visiting at Selwyn Village, helping sort crates of Christmas presents at the City Mission, and most recently, a beach clean up …
Congratulations to our junior learners who received awards at Junior Prizegiving this week in recognition of their efforts this year. Special mention goes to the following students: M.A.D.D Junior Arts Award Music, Art, Dance, Drama Outstanding contribution to the Arts – Henri Woodley -The Christian-Slane Cup for Visual Arts: Awarded to the Yr 10 student who is already most …
BISC - Building in Service of Community
100 Motions Rd, Western Springs,
Auckland 1022, New Zealand