Principal's Notes
International students returning to New Zealand are on the horizon from July onwards and we are on the lookout for homestay families to host them. We pay a generous amount to households who take on international students – see ad. elsewhere in this Newsletter if you are interested in this opportunity. The impact of COVID on our school community is …
Carol Gunn resigns from Board Chair role I wish to inform the school community that at Monday evening’s Board meeting (28 March 2022), Carol Gunn stood down as Board Chair after 5 years in the role. Louise Gardiner has stepped up to the plate and taken on the vacant Chair/Presiding Member position. She has experience as the current Presiding Member …
Ngā Puna o Waiōrea WINS at the 2022 ASB Polyfest
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe to Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) who were placed FIRST at the 2022 ASB Polyfest - the Auckland Secondary Schools Maōri & Pacific Islands Cultural Festival, which was held last week at the Manukau Sports Bowl. For the first time in 46 years, Polyfest was an ONLINE event only and was operated under the …
Western Springs College - Homestay Families Wanted
Our school welcomes applications from local families who may be interested in hosting International Students. We are recruiting new host families for when the NZ borders open to overseas students in July. Ever thought of hosting an International student? Do you have a spare room available? We are looking for families to host & care for our WSC International students (male or female, long or short term). We offer …
WSCW 2022 School Ball - update
Following the PM's announcement that vaccine passes will no longer be required (unless venues want to continue enforcing them), Ellerslie Event Centre has confirmed they will NOT be requiring a vaccine pass for our ball attendees. Year 13 and Year 12 students wanting to attend the Ball must complete this form and submit it to the Admin Office, together with …
Solar power going strong
Our community funded solar array continues to generate clean power for us, the sun is very reliable! Here are the latest figures… The sun has generated 67,712kW of power since January 2021. The KHCL and surrounding buildings have used 212,631kW. That is enough power to cover approximately 31% of the power requirements for the KHCL and surrounding buildings. Click here …
On 24th February 2022, the news of Russia invading Ukraine sparked across the globe. With the invasion occurring, 3.8 million Urkrainians were forced to leave their homes and millions have become refugees. After more than 30 days of invasion, approximately 7.5 million children have been affected by the war, and 4.5 million of them have become refugees in neighbouring countries …
WSCW's Kaitiaki roopu and Wastewise group in conjunction with the Albert-Eden Youth Board launched the Biodiversity project on Wednesday 30 March 2022. The project began with a workshop on the importance of biodiversity restoration on the banks of the Waitītiko (Meola) Stream. The team learnt to identify native plants and invasive weeds as well as a discussion around predator tracking …
WSC Girls Cricket - T20 Champions!
HOWZAT! WSC Girls T20 Champions!! On Wednesday 23 March, our WSC Girls Cricket team won their College Sport Auckland T20 competition against a very competitive Lynfield College team. Under the threat of thunderstorms, we lost the toss and were sent into bat. We started cautiously but ended up putting on 160 runs in 20 overs - with strong batting from …
WSC Girls Water Polo - 5th in NISS Championships
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to the WSC Girls Water Polo team who recently competed (26-29 March) in the North Island Secondary Schools (NISS) Division 1 (i.e top division) Championships - finishing with a 5th placing in the 5th/6th playoff at AUT Millennium. We're so proud of this team's efforts to be amongst the top schools in the country, and many thanks …
News from the Learning Support Department
From Garden to Plate Our LIfe Skills Programme students, (a programme run by Learning Support teacher Jane Tan and ILA Nick Westerling), have been busy this term growing a variety of herbs and vegetables for the School Canteen. Yesterday the day came to harvest their crop, and Vinnie from the Canteen was very impressed and appreciative of their fabulous contribution. …
Term 1 (Week 9) Digital Learning Update
Many thanks to our wonderful teaching staff & ILAs who have supported our students during the current Omicron outbreak via hybrid learning. Hybrid learning means students have been able to continue learning whether they are at school or at home. This approach has necessitated upskilling and consolidating of digital skills and online teaching and learning methods. Our staff have risen …
The Year 13s have voted for their Leaver’s Gear this year to be sourced from Canterbury Clothing and the options are below. An order form has been emailed to all Year 13 students to be completed by Friday 13/5/22 and payment due by Sunday 29/5/22. Options: Jersey - $110 - Black and Forest Green striped; WSCW (in white) on the …
ECO TIPS 3 week old Ezra McCrorie in his newborn sized cloth nappies from Bear and Moo When you crush your cans, they become too small for the sorting machines at the recycling plant to detect them. That means they are likely to be sorted to landfill. Just have them nice and big - no more can squashing, regardless …
Two 2021 Alumni featured in 2022 NZQA Top Art Exhibition
Exciting news... Two 2021 Alumni have had their Level 3 Art Design portfolios selected to tour as a part of the 2022 NZQA Top Art Exhibition. Congratulations on your success Zoe Ferstat and Sofia Kotelevskaya with your featured illustrative art design portfolios. A snip of Zoe's work has also been selected as the banner picture for the NZQATopArt page. Check …
Here are details of two Outward Bound NZ courses that are now open for enrolment: OUTWARD BOUND NZ - YOUTH ACTIVATE The fully funded Youth Activate is an 8 day course for physically disabled youth aged 16-17 years. Our next course date is 10–17 May 2022. Find more information about Youth Activate here. OUTWARD BOUND NZ - LEAPS & BOUNDS ACTIVATE …
Rainbow Rangitahi Social Group
Below is information regarding a social group for Rainbow rangatahi aged 14 years and under.
TAPAC - April Holiday Programmes for Teens
TAPAC is running quite a few April 2022 Holiday Programmes for Teens - check out the poster below!
100 Motions Rd, Western Springs,
Auckland 1022, New Zealand