Why the name ‘Wises’? Well, a long long time ago the idea of different groups…
Congratulations is due to Radha Patel – Western Springs Nga Puna ō Waiorea Alumni 2023. Your vision of our students crossing Meola Road safely to the bus stop has come to fruition.
Radha, a member of the WSCW Wises groups Travelwise and Wastewise, was tenacious in following up a petition the Travelwise panel implemented and presented to Auckland Council. The petition supported a pedestrian crossing on Meola Rd for students who travel to and from school by bus. We also acknowledge the support of former Board Chair Carol Gunn who supported Radha in Local Board and AT meetings.
Radha and the Travelwise students were well-aware that Meola Road is utilized by a large number of commuters in cars at the same time as rangatahi from not only WSCW, but Pasadena and Ponsonby Intermediates and Point Chevalier and Westmere Primary Schools make their way to school. Not only do the crossings provide a safe place to navigate through the traffic, drivers have no option but to slow down, therefore reducing the risk to those students who walk, cycle and scooter to school.
In a time where safe and sustainable modes of transport are valued for environmental reasons and encourage our rangatahi to spend more time enjoying activities, this is a win for student action.
As well as the crossing the improvements to public transport infrastructure and the safer cycle provisions are a step in the right direction for Meola Road. A massive thank you to Radha Patel and all the other students at WSCW who have shown passion and care for others and the world we live in.
Marie Hickey and Jared Hockly on behalf of the Wises and Kaitiaki groups.