Our Mission
All students and staff, inspired by a love of learning, are challenged to discover and develop their unique personal strengths so that they are well equipped to share in the building of a just and sustainable society.
Kia ngākau whakaawe ngā ākonga me ngā kaimahi katoa ki te kaimānawatanga o te ako, me te ruku tuhura i te hīmate ki te whakawhānake i ō te tangata pūkenga. Mā konei e tika ai te ngākau tapatahi, ka hangaia he hapori tika, toitū te iho me te aho a te kaupapa kura.
School Vision1
Western Springs College is an inclusive learning community where:
- Academic achievement is highly valued and encouraged through excellence in teaching.
- Students receive a balanced and personalised education that addresses the needs of the whole person in a caring and supportive climate.
- Individuality, critical thinking and creativity are fostered along with a sense of community, respect for and service to others.
- There are expectations of high standards of behaviour, which are collectively owned, clearly communicated and actively upheld.
- Diversity is embraced and individual differences are affirmed.
- Students feel safe and there is no place for violence, prejudice or discrimination.
- Students develop enduring friendships in a healthy co-educational environment.
- There is a wide range of opportunities and a high level of participation in sporting, cultural and community activities.
- School governance and management are based on a commitment to power sharing according to Treaty of Waitangi responsibilities.
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Treaty of Waitangi: Partnership Statement
The Co-Governance Partnership: Meeting Treaty of Waitangi Responsibilities
Western Springs College is committed to meeting Treaty of Waitangi responsibilities by working in partnership with the Māori school community to reach the educational and cultural aspirations of Māori students and their whanau.
The partnership involves:
- Māori school community participation in decision-making at all levels of school governance; and
- Senior managers reflecting the partnership in decisions, day-to-day practices, and procedures; and
- Teaching and support staff reflecting the partnership in their practice and participation in school life.
This commitment includes working towards achieving the goals of the National Education Goals (NEGS) and National Administration Guidelines (NAGs), particularly:
- Acknowleging the unique place of Māori;
- Increasing participation and success on the part of Māori through the advancement of Māori education initiatives, including education in Te Reo Māori;
- Collaborating with, and regularly reporting to, the school’s Māori community concerning plans and targets for improving Māori student achievement;
- Māori students finding WSC is a safe and supportive environment.
Implementation of the co-governance partnership is further detailed in Board of Trustees’ policies, including its Treaty of Waitangi policy.
A Western Springs Education – Special Features
Western Springs College produces independent, disciplined and motivated learners who are well equipped to succeed academically at tertiary level. We measure our effectiveness in this regard by:
- The proportion of our students who leave school with qualifications, especially the percentage who achieve the university entrance standard;
- The proportion of our students who make the transition to technical institute or university courses;
- The proportion of these students who pass their papers and successfully complete their degrees or diplomas.
At Western Springs, there is a genuine commitment to developing the unique talents and strengths of individual students. We have built a climate which encourages individuality, creativity and critical thinking. We aim to produce strong, self-disciplined individuals who have been challenged to think for themselves. Our students learn the skills of conducting independent research, working in teams, devising innovative solutions to problems and communicating their findings and viewpoints clearly and confidently.
We also aim to develop well-rounded young adults with sound values, including, above all, self respect and respect for others. A balanced education at Western Springs College Springs involves developing the ability to establish healthy relationships with others regardless of their background.
With a coeducational student population of close to 1380 plus 100 full-time equivalent international students, Western Springs College’s size means that the school is able to deliver students a high level of individual care and attention, and at the same time offer a broad curriculum and a rich range of extra-curricula opportunities.
Western Springs College has a particularly active parent body and a board of trustees committed to continuing community consultation designed to help shape the future direction of the school.
Location and Context
Western Springs College is situated close to one of Auckland’s finest urban cultural and recreational areas, which includes the Auckland Zoological Park, the Museum of Transport and Technology and Western Springs Lake & Park. The college’s favourable geographical location is further enhanced by its close proximity to and links with the University of Auckland, the Auckland University of Technology and Unitec, destinations for the vast majority of our graduates when they make their transition to tertiary education courses.
Western Springs College is a decile 8 school with a vibrant multicultural student population which is 61% European, 25% Māori, 9% Pacific Island and 5% Asian.
Western Springs College has recently experienced a period of rapid roll growth. During the last decade the roll has increased from 633 in 2003 to 1480 in 2017. The school operates an enrolment scheme guaranteeing a place to all in-zone applicants; there have been no out-of-zone enrolments since 2009 into the English-medium mainstream school. The vast majority of students enrol from the two main contributing intermediate schools, Pasadena and Ponsonby Intermediates, with Kowhai Intermediate being the other main contributing school.
Te Whēako a te Kura
- Kei ngā taumata ikeike te whiwhinga mātauranga e rewa ana mā roto i te kairangi o te whakaako
- Ka riro e ia o ngā ākonga i te mātauranga kua āta whakairohia māna, ā, ka āta whakatutuki i ngā hiahia o te ākonga mā roto i te wairua manaaki me te tautoko.
- Ka whakatītina te tūhāhā , te whakaaro hōhonu me te mahi auaha mā roto i te wairua hapori, te whakaute me te ratonga ki ētahi atu.
- He taumata ikeike me kakea mō te taha ki te whanonga, ā, he taumata ērā kua āta whakamāramatia, kua titia hoki ki te hirikāpō o te whānau whānui.
- Ka whakamana i te kanorau me ngā rerekētanga a ia tangata.
- Ka rongo ngā ākonga i te haumaru me te āhurutanga i te mea kāore i te whakamana i te wairua tūkino, te whakahāwea me te whakatoihara hoki.
- Ka whanakehia e ngā ākonga ngā hononga whakapūmau hoa i tētahi taiao mātauranga mō te tāne, mō te wahine hoki.
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- Ara noa atu ngā kōwhiringa ki te toro atu ki ngā momo hākinakina, kaupapa ahurea, kaupapa ā-hapori hoki.
Kei raro i ngā mātapono o Te Tiriti o Waitangi me te mahi ngātahi te mana whakahaere o te kura.
Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Pūrongo Rangapū
Te Rangapū Mahi Ngātahi: Te whakatutuki i ngā haepapa o Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Ka mātua whakatutuki e WSC – Waiōrea i ngā haepapa o Te tiriti o Waitangi mā te mahi ngātahi ki te hāpori Māori o te kura kia tutuki pai i ngā whēako mātauranga me ngā whēako ahurea o ngā ākonga Māori me a rātou whānau.
Ko ngā nekehanga o tēnei rangapū:
- Kia whai wāhi te hāpori Māori o te kura ki ngā whakatau whakahaerenga katoa o te kura ahakoa te taumata; ā
- Kia whakatīnanatia e te Kāhui Tumuaki i te noho rangapū ki ngā whakatau, ngā mahi o ia rā, me ngā tikanga; ā
- Kia whakatīnana hoki ngā kaiako me ngā kaimahi kaitautoko i te noho rangapū i roto i a rātou mahi katoa i te kura.
Ko tā tēnei takohanga he whakatutuki hoki i ngā whāinga o te National Education Goals (NEGS) me te National Administration Guidelines (NAGs)
- Mā te whakamana i te tū o te hunga Māori ki tēnei kura
- Te whakapiki i te whai wāhi o Māori me tā rātou angitū mā te koke whakamua o ngā Kaupapa mātauranga Māori, Kaupapa Reo Māori hoki;
- He tūhono atu, he whai wāhi atu ki te hāpori Māori ki te whakawhiti kōrero e pā ana ki ngā whakaritenga me ngā taumata e manakotia ana hei whakapiki ake i ngā whiwhinga Māori.
- Ka rāngona e ngā ākonga Māori i te āhuru mōwai o WSC – Waiōrea.
Kei ngā Kaupapa Here o Te Poari pērā ki te Kaupapa Here o te Tiriti o Waitangi ngā nekehanga katoa o te noho kura hourua.
Ko te mātauranga a WSC – Waiōrea – Ngā whakarākei
Ka puta i a WSC – Waiōrea ngā ākonga tū maia, tū aro, tū whakahihiko hoki ki te ako, otirā ngā ākonga kua rite pai ki te tutuki i ngā whēko mātauranga ōna i te taumata whare wānanga. Ka inehia ngā pānga o ēnei āhuatanga mā:
- Te wāhanga ākonga ka wehe i tō mātou kura whai tohu ai, otirā te hunga ka whai tohu uru atu ki ngā whare wānanga;
- Te wāhanga ākonga ka whai wāhi ki ngā momo whare wānanga hangarau ngā hōtaka whare wānanga rānei;
- Te wāhanga ākonga ka eke panuku ki a rātou pepa, ā, ka tutuki pai i a rātou tohu.
Kei WSC – Waiōrea he herenga motuhake kia whakawhanake i ngā tāonga puiaki kei tērā ākonga, kei tērā ākonga. Kua hangaia e mātou i tētahi taiao e whakatenatena, e āki ana i te tūhāhā, te auahatanga me te whakaaro hohonu. Ko tā mātou whāinga kia whakaputa i ngā ākonga taikaha, otirā ngā momo ākonga e mōhio ana ki te āta whakarite i a ia anō. Ka ākona ai e ā mātou ākonga ngā pūkenga ki te āta whakahau i ā rātou mahi rangahau takitahi, te mahi ngātahi, te whakarite whakautu auaha ki ngā wero, te whakawhiti i ā rātou i rangahaua, i kitea hoki.
He whāinga anō tā mātou kia whakawhanake ākonga kua kaha whakatōngia ki ngā tikanga, otirā, te whakaute ki a ia anō, ki tangata kē atu hoki. Ko te momo mātauranga ki WSC – Waiōrea kua āta hangaritea mā te whakawhanake i te wairua whakawhanaunga ki ētahi atu ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa nō whea rānei.
He tokomaha ngā ākonga tāne mai, wahine mai kei WSC – Waiōrea. He tata ki te 1365 ngā ākonga o te kura, ā, hono atu ko te 100 ākonga nō whenua kē. Nā ēnei tatauranga ka taea e te kura te whāngai atu i te manaakitanga ki ia ākonga me te mea hoki ka whāngai hoki i te huhua o ngā huarahi ako, kaupapa hāpai mātauranga hoki.
Kei a WSC – Waiōrea he kāhui mātua mahi kaha, ā, he Pōari e kaha whakapakari ana i ngā hononga ki te hāpori kia whakairotia te koke whakamua o te kura.
Te Whenua me te Horopaki
E noho pātata ana ki te pito o tētahi o ngā tino wāhi ahurea, mahi-ā-rēhia hoki ki roto o Tāmaki Makaurau a WSC – Waiōrea. Kei tua i te rori te Whare Kararehe o Tāmaki, te Whare Tāonga o ngā momo Waka me te Hangarau, otirā te roto me te pāka o Western Springs hoki. Kua motuhake te wāhi noho o WSC – Waiōrea nā ngā tūtohu whenua me tana noho pātata ki ngā momo whare wānanga pērā ki Te Whare Wānanga o Tāmaki Makaurau, Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makaurau me Te Whare Wānanga o Wairaka, ngā wāhi matua e hono atu ai ā mātou ākonga i tā rātou putanga i tā mātou kura.
Kei te taumata 8(decile 8) a WSC – Waiōrea e noho ana. He kura kikī ana i ngā ākonga nō wīwī nō wāwā, he 61% he Pākehā, 25% he Māori, 9% nō Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, he 5% nō Āhia. I roto i te rau tau tekou kua hori, kua tipu te rārangi ākonga mai i te 633 i te tau 2003 ki te 1480 i te tau 2017. Kua whakaritea te kura kia āhei ngā tāngata katoa o roto i te wāhi (zone) o te kura kia pai tā rātou kuhu atu ki te kura kuraina ai; kāore he ākonga nō waho mai i te wāhi kia uru atu ki te taha auraki o te kura nō te tau 2009. Ko te nuinga o ngā ākonga ka kuhu mai ki te kura, he ākonga tawhito mai i ngā kura takawaenga o Pasadena, Ponsonby me Kowhai hoki.