Do you want to help our youth participate in the performing arts and enable the arts to thrive in Auckland? Then this is your chance!
TAPAC, The Auckland Performing Arts Centre at Western Springs Inc., is the home for all of the Western Springs College dance and drama classes. As well as housing these classes, TAPAC provides a unique, busy creative hub for Auckland’s performing arts professionals and emerging artists. TAPAC’s core business strands are performing arts education classes and workshops, Performance in the theatre and hire of its spaces to community and professional groups. The TAPAC venue includes 2 large studios suitable for dance and circus, 2 smaller studios (one of which can be used as a photographic studio), a professional theatre and a café/ bar.
TAPAC is seeking an experienced accountant to join its board and act as Treasurer for the organisation.
The Treasurer’s responsibilities include taking on a watchdog role over all financial aspects of TAPAC, and working with staff to ensure all finances, monitoring and reporting methods are in check and correct. The Treasurer oversees the preparation of and presentation of budgets and financial information to the Finance Sub-committee and Board meetings each month. The Treasurer also provides advice on the financial implications of current and future operational plans, and presents revised predictions based on actual expenses and income.
TAPAC seeks an accountant with exceptional skills and a strong desire to help a vital performing arts organisation within the Auckland region. Board experience on other not-for-profit boards is desirable but not essential. As TAPAC is a charity this role is unpaid.
Please send your letter of interest and CV to Sally-Anne Kerr, TAPAC’s Executive Director at
Ngā mihi,
Sally-Anne Kerr
Executive Director
Ph: (09) 845-0295
Mob: 027 290 8425