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This September, exam week, was a week to test how much our short term international students knew and loved about Auckland.  We held a Scavenger Hunt Project by dividing the nine students into Green Team and Blue Team.  Each team had to visit nearly 30 interesting places in Auckland such as Auckland Museum, Sky Tower, Ferry Terminal and Cornwall Park, and took a group photo as evidence of the visit.  At the end of each day, they met a mentor of the day from International Office and reported how the day had been.  On the last day of the exam week, both teams provided outstanding power point presentations with their creative photos.  Also, each student presented an individual profile with the title of “Me with the School, the People and the City”. Below are the awards given to students.

Team Award

Award for the Best Team Presentation for Creative Photos and Video – Blue Team

Award for the Best Team Presentation for Visual and Content – Green Team

Individual Award

Best Presentation Award – Carlo Panzeri, Edoardo Fanni and Lea Schoenhuber

Outstanding Team Leader Award – Lea Schoenhuber & Rosalba Faroqhi

Outstanding Team Player Award – Carlo Panzeri

At the Winter Garden

Below photos from Blue Team presentation

Below photos of Green Team from Edoardo’s profile









Below is Lea’s Profile


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