We are seeking a Food Technician to join the Technology Department of Western Springs College-Ngā…

Cornwall Park has an event coming up next weekend called Park Life.
Park Life is a celebration of all things parks – everything we kiwis love to do, see and experience in them. With Cornwall Park as the backdrop and inspiration, Park Life will be a day of exploring nature, playing games, listening to music, picnicking, learning, relaxing,and having a bit of fun!
The whole park will be full of things to do, see and experience, with people being able to explore it at their leisure, discovering as they go. Cornwall Park will be car-free for the day so we can all enjoy nature at its best: with no cars in sight!
We think your students (and teachers!) may be interested. Please see a poster attached for classrooms, emails or sending home with students.
More details can be found here: http://cornwallpark.co.nz/whats-on/park-life or https://www.facebook.com/events/826948684315130/