Join us for our first fundraising community movie night of the year! Opening Night screening…
We know some of our students – and their whānau – are worried that they might not be able to attain NCEA or UE this year, because of the disruption caused by COVID-19.
To help address this and support students, the following changes are being made to NCEA and University Entrance (UE) requirements for this year:
- Students working towards an NCEA can gain additional credits, based on the number of credits they achieve during the 2020 school year. These additional credits will be known as Learning Recognition credits. For every 5 credits a student achieves towards their NCEA either through internal or external assessment, they are entitled to an additional 1 credit. Students at NCEA Level 1 are eligible for up to a maximum of 10 additional credits while those at Levels 2 and 3 are eligible for up to a maximum of 8 additional credits.
- Students will be awarded a certificate endorsement if they achieve 46 credits at Merit or Excellence level, rather than the usual 50. Students achieving 12 credits at Merit or Excellence level in a course – rather than 14 – will be awarded a course endorsement.
- Current UE requirements have been reduced from 14 to 12 credits in three UE-approved subjects. Students still need to attain NCEA Level 3 and meet literacy and numeracy requirements to be awarded University Entrance.
- External NCEA examinations and NZ Scholarship examinations will now take place from 16 November 2020 to 6 December 2020. This will provide extra time for teaching, learning and assessment in Term 4.
- The submission date for subjects which require students to submit a portfolio (for example, Design and Visual Communications) has been extended to 12 November 2020, to give students more time to complete their portfolios.
These changes have been designed to encourage students to continue working towards their NCEA and to ensure that the NCEA attained by our rangatahi this school year is just as valid as those earned in previous years.
If you have any questions at all please contact the relevant Head of House or the Year 13 Academic Director. Alternatively you can contact the Principal’s Nominee for WSC/NPOW Julie Debreceny (