Join us for our first fundraising community movie night of the year! Opening Night screening…

Tuatahi ake me tuku aku mihi mahana ki ngā ringaringa maha i āwhinatia e mātou kia tiaki i ā Papatūānuku, i te Wao Nui a Tāne whānui, āno nei tō tātou awa a Waititiko. Tēnei au te tuohu atu kia tātou katoa. He waka eke noa.
I had the utmost privilege in helping our community plant trees down at Meola Creek. It was an inspiring experience and couldn’t have been accomplished without the help of everyone there. Big thank you to the Auckland Council for providing us with the means of protecting our environmental space as well as all our school helpers; the Kaitiakitanga Group, Wastewise, Year 12 Environmental Studies and the Waiorea Year 9 Tikanga ā Iwi classes supported by staff and the Conservation Volunteers. Despite pouring rain and very little sunlight, we stuck to it and successfully planted 800 new plants for our awa Waititiko! Ka mau te wehi e tātou! It was such an honour to work alongside such dedicated people for the cause of kaitiakitanga and looking after our awa. We are excited to watch our hard work grow for the next many years to come!
Whatungarongaro te tāngata, toitu te whēnua. Mō te taiao ano te take. Tēnei ano au e mihi ana ki te iti me te rahi, te tini me mano i āwhinatia tēnei kaupapa. Tēnā tātou katoa.
Dorrein Hotere- Member of the Kaitiakitanga group.