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North Island Secondary Schools Orienteering Champs 2021
Western Springs had a team of 10 students competing at the NISSOC in Palmerston North from Thursday 29 April – Saturday 1 May.
Congratulations to the following place getters:
Juliet 2nd in the sprint, 3rd in the long (Senior Champ Grade)
Eli 2nd in the long (Senior Standard Grade)
Riley 3rd in the long (Intermediate Standard Grade)
Grace 1st in the long (Junior Champ Grade).
On the back of these consistent performances, Western Springs have been named the winner of the “small schools” competition, this is the second time Western Springs have been the recipients of this award.
Thank you to Mark Frater (coach) and to the amazing Bronwyn Rosie (manager) for all the organisation, supervision and transporting the team down to Palmerston North and back.
All the very best to our orienteers who will be competing in the Auckland Secondary Schools Individual Champs on Wednesday 23 June and at the NZ Secondary Schools’ Orienteering Championships in the second week of the school holidays in July in Napier.