Subject selection 2022:
Special assemblies to address this important aspect of school life have begun with a special focus on our Year 10s who will move into Year 11 and Level 1 NCEA next year. In their assembly on Thursday they were informed that at Springs there are 3 compulsory subjects at Year 11 – English, Mathematics and Science, and that they can choose three additional subjects to study for Level 1. Emphasis was placed on trying to plan a journey through the Year levels in relation to taking the subjects you will need for further career options. Another important theme is ‘playing to strengths’ and choosing subjects where you have aptitude. A third component of the advice and guidance given is to seek and take advice – from Heads of Houses, subject teachers, form teachers, parents/caregivers. Crucially, this is a process that needs to be taken seriously and delivered by deadline to ensure that subject choices of students can be honoured. The information given now will form the structure of our timetable for 2022 in relation to the number of classes required to satisfy the needs as established by subject selection.
One final and important point to note, is that choices made now are not ‘set in concrete’ and early and timely revisiting of choices, endorsed and supported by parents/caregivers, is catered for.
School tours for prospective parents/students are still being taken – every second Friday morning 9.15 am to 10.30 am. Bookings can be made with Louise in the main office with the next tour scheduled on August 27th.
Ivan Davis