Senior student whānau interviews to discuss Term 1 progress reports will take place on Wednesday…

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe (congratulations) Ngā Puna o Waiōrea (NPoW) for taking out 2nd place at the recent Kapa Haka Nationals 2022 Competition, Ngā Kapa Haka Kura Tuarua o Aotearoa 2022!
This year’s national Kapa Haka competition was held over two days and in five different rohe (regions). Te competition kaikorero (speaker) Harley Emery said that this year’s competition was split across different venues due to concern that any shift in Covid-19 restrictions/settings could impose additional financial and other costs on schools and performers.
Waiōrea has consistently placed in the Top 3 at the Kapa Haka Nationals for a number of years now, and they are always very proud and spine-tingling performances to witness – which have involved many months of long nights practising their performances. It can take a lot of mahi to get to the top, but it can take even more to remain as one of the top performance groups in the motu…Ka Mau te Wehi (Amazing)!!
If you missed the livestream performances, here are the links to watch our amazing Waiōrea tauira perform on Tuesday 20th September in the RANGATAHI Pool (link here), and also the online prizegiving on Friday 23rd September (link here).
A huge mihi to all of the tutors (particularly our amazing Tūhoe Tamaiparea & Viniece McIntyre, in addition to all our other ex-NPoW ākonga), whānau, kaiako, and tauira who supported this kaupapa! It would not have been as successful without you all.
Our Principal, Ivan Davis, and WSC Director of Sports, Peter McIntyre, also went out to support our Waiōrea performers.