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Students are expected to do at least an hour of homework every week in Maths. Among other benefits, homework teaches students to take responsibility for their own learning and be independent. It also gives you as parents a chance to see what your children are learning at school.

This year the Springs Mathematics department is using “Education Perfect” as part of the homework that we are setting for Year 9, 10, and 11 students. Education Perfect provides students with well-structured lessons including introductory slides, supportive visuals, and videos that break down difficult concepts and give students a good understanding of the topic. It also allows the teacher to monitor your child’s progress and pass this feedback onto parents. Students will still receive some paper-based homework (worksheets, assignments, and revision) but this will not be on a regular basis. Students have been issued with their own login and password for the website. Teachers will allocate homework that will appear as tasks when they log in. Students or Whanau could contact their maths teacher in case of any login issues.

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