Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

On August 9th we held our 10th annual planting beside the kura’s awa Waitītiko. Auckland City Council’s Trees for Survival, once again provided our plants and under the guidance of Gail Allende we planted around 200 natives. Wastewise, Life Skills, and the year 9 Waiōrea students attended sessions in our outdoor classroom by the awa, learning about the importance of planting and trapping alongside our awa. The kaitaiki group assisted all day with setting up, cleaning up and helping to run the sessions.
Part 2 of our planting will be held in October when we will plant sedges on the awa banks. Our sedges from last year got wiped out with flooding so we are hoping planting after winter will help survivial rates.