Parents' cars waiting in MOTAT 2 driveway to collect students MOTAT staff have asked us…

Ensuring the safety of our ākonga/students and kaiako/kaimahi/staff is our top priority at WSCW. To prepare for potential emergencies, we conduct two types of drills each year: Evacuation and Lockdown.
Evacuation Drill: Continuous bell or a voice activated alarm to signal for all kaiako/kaimahi/staff and ākonga/students exit all buildings and gather on the northern field in their whānau classes. Kaiako who are not whānau teachers and kaimahi will form a boundary around the students.
Lockdown Drill: Intermittent bell for one minute will signal kaiako/kaimahi/staff and ākonga/students to go and remain indoors, lie facedown in the middle of their space, until a member of the senior leadership team dismisses them.
For assurance purposes, we conduct two evacuation drills and two lockdown drills each year. During these drills, you will be notified via email at the start and completion of each drill. Please refrain from coming to campus or contacting personnel during these times.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping our community safe.