- This event has passed.
Y 13 Leavers event and prizegiving 4.30pm onward
3.45 – intro, karakia
3.55 to 4.20pm – Vinnie catered food salads and BBQ for Y13 students only.
4.30 to 5.00 – Whenua House students (with whānau attendance) farewelled at the terraces
5.00 to 5.30 – Moana House (with whānau attendance) farewelled at the terraces
5.30 – 6.00 – Kapura House (with whānau attendance) farewelled at the terraces
6.00 to 6.30 – Atea House (with whānau attendance) farewelled at the terraces
4.15 to 6pm – Waiōrea in Te Rehu.
Y13 Prizegiving:
6.35pm – all prizewinners to assemble under the shelter outside the gym.