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Year 11 and 13 Design and Visual Communication classes were treated to a visit from freelance Art Director and Graphic Designer Andrea Lo Vetere, last week

Andrea has worked for various design agencies, including Colenso. He inspired students, sharing his vast portfolio of work and the various projects he has completed. Andrea shared his knowledge of the industry to reinforce the importance of design principles and layout consideration and how these factors could influence and relate to students’ own projects.

Posters designed by (left to right) Sara Atsch y11   Madeleine Stanton y11 

Jamie Daly Jones y11                            Oliver Lloyd y11 

John Boi y11

Eleanor Field y11

Yr 9 Digital Technology

Introductory computer game making activities with MOTAT STEM CELL

Instead of taking our y9s to MOTAT, MOTAT came to our y9s. They arrived with a trailer they call a “STEAM Cell”, containing specialised equipment, teaching resources and collection items; hosted by the MOTAT Educator, Katherine.

She, brought along some good old fashioned games to thrill the students with and entertained them with the history of games including card games, hop scotch, elastics and many more. Year 9 students evaluated game structures, which they considered when generating their own digital games on bloxels- a video game building platform. From there they applied their skills to creating a computer game using GameMaker as a part of their Digital Technology learning.

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