Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

Our latest display was organised in response to my request for a library display of student work. Many thanks to Linda Dillon for the ‘Periodics Table’ display from 9KA and 10KA.
Students investigated chemical elements. They researched key questions and displayed their answers in a poster with a 3D twist, a thinking tool, creating colourful and informative posters.
Alongside we have the ‘Cupcake’ display from Kirsty Britton and Danielle Voyce’s year 10 Art Classes. This unit of work ‘Life is what you Bake it’ is based on well known Pop artists in which the students can earn Level 1 credits. The cupcake sculptures are unique in that each is cleverly personalised.
Both representations of student work created considerable interest with students making positive comments about the quality and the originality.