This year the Dance Department took six trips to amazing Dance shows: Station by Freshman’s…
The Junior Arts Festival 2018
Friday 16th November – next week!
Showing: 3.30pm and 5.30pm
TAPAC Theatre and Foyer – Western Springs College
Students, families, friends and staff are invited to our annual Junior Arts Festival – celebrating the work of junior Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Visual Arts on Friday 16th November. This year we are again very lucky to have the support of the Parent Action Group who are kindly donating celebratory drinks and nibbles for the occasion. There are two free shows so you won’t miss out – the first is at 3.30pm and second at 5.30pm. Make sure you come along early to view the art, enjoy some nibbles and secure a seat in TAPAC! – Kirsty Britton – Arts Coordinator
Congratulations Y13 Dance
Congratulations to Robert Bloomfield and Eva Fuemana, whose L3 NCEA dances were selected for Ignite, the youth show in Auckland’s Tempo Dance Festival at Q Theatre in October, and performed excellently by Christophe Bate, Rahiri Maihi, Georgia Menhennet, Casey Rahiri and Rehua Rapana.
At the end of the show lecturers from Auckland University and Unitec’s Dance programmes awarded prizes for student choreography and performance, of which WSC students won 4! Robert’s dance was awarded Outstanding Original Choreography, Eva was awarded Thought-provoking Choreography, and Georgia won both the Own the Stage and Triggerdance Choreographic Workshop awards. Great work all performers and choreographers!
Western Springs College Dance Dept. presented ‘Collections’, a selection of the best from Western Springs College – Ngā Puna o Waiorea Dance students at NCEA Levels 1-3 and Scholarship Dance, in the TAPAC Theatre.
The performance of 24 different dances was evidence of the hard work students have put into their assessments over the year, both in choreography and performance. We were proud to present a significant number of student-choreographed dances in the show.
Chloe Davison – HOD Dance
Music at School Prizegivings
Congratulations and thank you to all the musicians who have performed at our prizegivings to date. You were so professional and played with obvious joy.
Special congratulations to our woodwind tutor Michelle Waring and the saxophone ensemble. This group formed only one term ago yet was well able to perform at the yr 11 prize giving. Watch out for more from Oliver McCallum, Amos Stephens, Sophia Reay and James Dick.
Music Lesson Opportunities
Now that the seniors have left there are opening s for instrumental lessons. If students are planning to take music next year and are keen to learn these instruments they should come to the music department and talk to Margaret asap – we have spaces for lessons in singing, cello, violin, clarinet, guitar, bass guitar, and flute.
HOD Music – Margaret Robertson
Congratulations Senior Visual Arts 2018
Extended Greetings,
At the time of writing we have just seen off the last of our Y13 folios to Wellington and the NCEA senior examinations have begun. In hindsight, four weeks have flown by and opportunities to view their efforts was highlighted in last week’s three day display in the library. Supported by Sharda Patel, Kirsty Britton, Danielle Voyce and especially the generosity of the amazing Parent Action Group – this year’s exhibition opening provided a platform to view the depth and range of student-centred learning across the three Art fields of Design, Painting and Photography. The valued opportunity to promote the Arts is important in acknowledging the students’ hard work and the value of the Creative Arts within the wider school community.
Of special celebratory note – Y13 Art Photography student Vinnie Canning provided the cover design for this year’s Yearbook and was also the recipient of the ARA Mason Award of $1250 towards tertiary study.
The 2018 dux was also our top Senior Scholar Pearl Beesley (Art Design and Art Painting) who received the Tui Samoa Art Cup and will also be busy creating an original Art work for the Library Commission during the holidays.
Congratulations Vincent Canning on your achievements in Art Photography
Congratulations Pearl Beesley on your achievements in Art Painting, Design and with all studies best of luck for the future.
Our focus is now firmly on the Junior students – via pictorial activities at Junior Camp (organised by Danielle Voyce) and the annual Junior Art Display in week five at TAPAC Theatre. The later will be another PAG supported event and will feature a wider range of the Visual Arts than ever before – so keep an eye out for further information closer to the time.
Lastly, the department would like to thank those families who have paid their Art fees throughout the year – your contribution enables us to manage and develop our programmes to meet the needs of the students.
Ia Manuia – HOD Art -Lily Laita