We are seeking a Food Technician to join the Technology Department of Western Springs College-Ngā…
Talofa Lava, Kia Orana, Malo e lelei, Fakalofa Lahi atu, Aloha! Tena Koutou Katoa!
The warmest of Pacific greetings to all parents of Maori in English Medium, Pasifika and Rumaki Senior students at Western Springs College – Nga Puna o Waiorea.
In light of the success of our NCEA information evening last year for parents, students and whanau/fanau we are looking forward to again hosting these two targeted information evenings this term and cordially invite you and your senior student to attend and navigate how to make NCEA at all 3 levels work best for you and your child.
Level 2 & 3 + [any Level 1’s who missed or late enrolments] NCEA info evening
Tuesday March 26th Term 1 Week 9 6:30pm – 8pm.
NCEA Info evenings will take place in the school library.
Form teachers / Heads of House or Senior Leaders of these groups of students should have contacted whanau/fanau/families already. If anyone has been inadvertently missed in this process please accept our humblest apologies and accept this as a personal invitation to yourself and your Level 1 (for those who missed out on Level 1 information evening on February 26th 2019), 2 or 3 student/s to attend.
Nau mai, Aere mai, Afio mai, Haere mai!!!