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Travel Wise

The travel-wise team aim to improve transport for students and the wider community. We work towards improving sustainability and safety in travel. In Week 10, our group was out offering our yummy home baking to students as a reward for walking and biking to school. Keep up the walking and biking and watch out for us next term, we’ll be back out there at some point.

This year we have created a petition to get a zebra crossing on Meola road by the bus stop. Before and after school a lot of students attempt to cross this busy road, and at the moment there aren’t any safe ways for students to cross. Our petition is for a zebra crossing to be put in place on Meola road when it is upgraded. Once our petition reaches enough signatures we will send it to the Waitemata local board. Please sign it by following this link:

Environmental Sustainability

Senior environmental sustainability students have been busy preparing to take action about an environmental issue. Year 12 students undertook an audit of the rubbish left in the Village Green area straight after lunch recently & were really upset with what they found. We are keen to hear from anyone who has ideas about how we improve the situation – we really want people to be aware that any rubbish on the ground is likely to end up in our awa, Waititiko (Meola Creek) that flows next to us & Pasadena, harming wildlife & decreasing water quality.

Ecostore workshop report

On Friday the 29th of March, 6 students went to a workshop with ecostore and a few other students from primary to high school to work on a system to recycle their bottles. Their idea was to create a cycle in which the bottles were brought into school, ecostore collects them and then recycles them in their own system. This means they avoid the broken rubbish system in Auckland and can create their own. We came up with some problems and solutions within this circular cycle, and worked to create some ideas that ecostore could use hopefully in the future.

By Ruby Giesen


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