Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

The Ken Havill Centre for Learning is an incredible new building and learning space that all students are exploring and enjoying as well as teachers. New spaces, new resources, new technologies and new opportunities to learn have and are extending outcomes for all.
Final showcases of senior work in drama and dance are underway. After exams the school community must get along to celebrate senior work in dance with 13Dance presenting their choreographed show at TAPAC Theatre, 18-20 September – Week 9. We also look forward to the annual Dance Showcase in Week 10 on Wednesday 25th September at 3.30pm & 6.30pm.
Art rooms and digital suites continue to be a wonderful hive of activity as senior students are in preparation mode for end of year assessment and External art portfolios.
Congratulations goes to Y13 Senior Art Design and Painting student Freya Kemp for being awarded one of the Pat Hanly Creativity Awards last night at the Auckland Art Gallery. The 2019 Pat Hanly Creativity Awards honour creative and talented Year 13 Visual Arts students in the Auckland region.
A reminder at this time of the year to support the efforts of our learning community with payment of school and subject-specific fees. We appreciate your contribution immensely.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks to Toby Schumacher – 13Art Design – for the ArtsNews Heading in this issue. Kirsty Britton – Arts Coordinator
Dance Department News – It’s Show Time!
Year 13 Choreography Show
18-20 September (week 9)
Show 1 – Wednesday 18 September 6.30pm
Show 2 – Thursday 19 September 6.30pm
Show 3 – Friday 20 September TBC
WSC NPoW Dance Showcase
Students from Year 11, 12 and 13 Dance showcase their NCEA choreography and performances.
Wednesday 25 September (week 10) 3.30 and 6.30pm
Last term 13 Year 12 Dance students performed their own choreography at YouDance Festival, the Auckland youth dance fest. Here are some stunning photos of their performances, and feedback from dance professionals Claire O’Neill (international choreographer and educator), Melanie Klaasen (National Moderator for NZQA dance) and Bianca Hyslop (choreographer).
Stand Together
Grace Hemingway, Louis Lowman, Baijleiy Morunga and Thi Quynh Nguyen performed their choreography Stand Together, a dance that communicated the idea of overcoming personal life challenges.
Reveal Yourself
Amy Fox, Artem Kechemaev (danced by Emma Cameron at YouDance) and Lilly Raukawa-Heslin’s dance Reveal Yourself communicated the idea of not being confined by other people’s idea of who we should be.
Pressure, choreographed and performed by Amethyst Clay, Meshach Tepaki, Olivia Gemmell Rangi, Kahurangi Kay, Te Hei Simpkins, and Alejandra Silva Patarroyo was about finding ways to be present and to deal with the pressures of today.
Chloe Davison – HOD Dance
Greetings from Rangitoto
Hard to believe that it’s been almost three years since our first eviction from the old ‘E’block, to the downsized primary prefabs of the temporary ‘Y’block – but we are finally here in the new building and loving it! In the past we have always operated on an ‘open door’ policy and the design of our learning and teaching areas in the ILE further amplifies the connectivity and supportive interplay between the staff and students across the various fields of Visual Art.
At the time of writing – juniors are well under way with their painting and printmaking works. Senior exam preparation is nearly upon us – which signals revision and planning for Art History and constructing pathways through the ten senior Art classes that will be utilising all of their class and workshop time to complete their work. The final submission dates will be posted in the next newsletter with possible display dates (in Rangitoto) to coincide with the senior prizegiving dates.
Congratulations to senior Art Painting students Phineas Reid and Frankie Smith for having their work chosen to represent the school in the Ringa Toi Exhibition. The annual exhibition is organised by NZQA and to celebrate the wide range of Art making by Maori students throughout the country.
Other achievements have been three Y13 Art students – Freya Kemp, Niamh Mayer and Jayna Mistry who participated in the prestigious ELAM workshops during the holidays. Special mention also to Freya Kemp who recently received one of the Pat Hanly Creativity Awards for 2019 hosted at the Auckland City Art Gallery.
Freya Kemp – Pat Hanly Creativity Award Recipient 2019
Lastly, thank you to all of the parents and caregivers who have paid student Art fees – a reminder that payment can still be made at the office as full or arranged AP. Also, if anyone has newspaper they no longer need – please drop off to Rangitoto (Art department – Level 1) anytime during the day.
Ia Manuia Lily A Laita – HOD Art