Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

Happy Holidays everyone!!!! – stay safe and healthy.
Measles –
Still active in Auckland especially, but numbers of cases slowing down now– consider vaccination to prevent the spread of disease – huge outbreak in the pasific islands.
Travelling overseas or going to uni – flats or dorms?
Travel/OE holidays –
Check what vaccinations you require and get the course completed at least 2 weeks before you leave.
University –
If going to uni and flatting or in dorms consider meningitis vaccination- disease easily spread in communal living arrangements where students may not be supervised re their health – the disease looks like the flu but can be fatal in 24hrs -vaccination can be given by your GP – (is not free but worth it)
Warts and all – get them treated over the holidays when your skin has time to heal
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
See you in 2020.
Nurse Chris