The Peace Ambassadors meet on Tuesdays at lunchtimes to plan events and practice the mediation process.
The week of August 3rd – 9th was Youth Peace Week and the theme was ‘Celebrating Diversity’. It was a great opportunity to get different school groups working together: we had a lunchtime event with students from the LGBTI group, International group, food from different countries and a game organised by the Waiorea students.
During the week Tamkeen, from the Peace Foundation, gave a talk at lunchtime on the Terraces about how we can celebrate diversity as young people.
One of our aims this year was to get more involved in volunteering, and Martha made contact with the Auckland City Mission. On Saturday 12th September we spent the afternoon cataloguing and stacking boxes of Christmas presents. It was a lot of fun, so we are really hoping that this will lead on to other opportunities with the Mission.
Because of the second lockdown we weren’t able to have the School’s Peace Symposium, but it has been postponed until the 29th of October, so we are hoping it will go ahead! On Saturday 7th of November we will organise a beach clean up at Mission Bay. So despite the disruptions we have managed to fit a fair bit in over the last few weeks.