Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

Coming up!
Junior Arts Festival 2020
Wednesday 2nd December
One Theatre show only – 4PM! Free!
Junior Art on show -3:10-4PM!
TAPAC Theatre and Foyer
Students, families, friends and staff are invited to our annual Junior Arts Festival – celebrating the work of junior Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Visual Arts on Wednesday 2nd December 2020. We are so very lucky to have the support of the Parent Action Group who are kindly donating celebratory drinks and nibbles for the occasion. There is just ONE free show – 4pm. Make sure you come along early to view the art, enjoy some nibbles and secure a seat in TAPAC!
Kirsty Britton – Arts Coordinator
Year 13 Dance Show
Congratulations Year 13 Dance students on a stunning showcase of your own choreography!
At the start of Term 4 the Year 13 Dance class presented Impressions, a collection of imaginative student choreography inspired by whakataukī, whakatauāki, or sayings, from Benjamin Franklin to Will Smith to Aunty! Each student researched their chosen topic, and conceptualised, choreographed and realised a complete dance work worth 8 credits.
At Level 3, NCEA Dance students learn how to communicate their ideas through a piece of choreography using motif and variation, structure, use of space, relationships, time and energy, clothing and music/ sound design. This is the dance equivalent to learning how to write an essay.
Thanks to Minh Anh Tran and Sophia Vagana for being much-needed extra dancers. Thanks Kirsty Britton for the great photos.
Kahurangi Kay’s Pandemic, exploring the idea that racism is the real virus. Kahurangi’s dance was inspired by Benjamin Franklin’s quote ‘Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.’
Amy Fox’s choreography Transcendental: with or without explores a bond between two people that ‘transcends life and death.’
Meshach Tepaki’s choreography, My Spot, was inspired by rugby league player Dane Gagai saying ‘Nobody is taking my spot away from me.’
Lilly Raukawa-Heslin’s dance Release, inspired by a Will Smith quote communicates the idea that we try to hold onto something but we need to realise there’s nothing to hold onto. We just have to ‘jump and be free.’
Amethyst Clay’s dance Don’t be a follower communicates that ‘it’s easy to follow others, so this dance is just a reminder to be yourself and don’t be afraid to be different.’
Te Hei Pounamu Simpkins’ dance Ancestors expresses the idea that we are those who we descend from and they live on through us.
Louis Lowman’s dance Time & effort creates success communicates that ‘Mā te wā, mā te kaha, ka tutuki i ngā mea katoa…with time and effort you can achieve anything.’
Kanon Morimoto’s dance Spread love and positivity was inspired by the whakatauki ‘Aroha mai aroha atu.’
Olivia Gemmell-Rangi’s Where I dig my heels, is where I make my stand was inspired by a whakatauāki from her iwi, ‘Ko taku rekereke, ko taku tūrangawaewae.’
Grace Hemingway’s dance Intimate Distance explores the idea of dealing with distance and time apart from loved ones and how an embrace helps us reconnect.
HOD Dance – Chloe Davison
Farewell 2020 and farewell to our fabulous year 13 Drama students
In week four of this term our year 13 students finally got to perform in our 13Drama Showcase. Over two nights we saw a range of pieces from New Zealand theatre (Māori, Pasifika and Pākehā) – enjoy pictures of their performances. We saw scenes from Shakespeare as well as a collection of scenes from the work of Harold Pinter. The work was a testament to our students’ resilience and to their belief in themselves and their abilities. I salute the year 13 cohort and all their mahi. I have had the pleasure of teaching these students for the last three years and I am so proud of their growth as actors and as people. They have come through a very tough year and having achieved well in this environment I know they have the capacity to continue to succeed and excel in their lives. Kia kaha ki a koutou katoa! Coming upon December 2nd! Don’t miss the Junior Arts Festival!
Ngā mihi HOD Drama – Robert Pollock
Greetings from Rangitoto
WOW – what a year! Despite the disruptions through the COVID lockdowns – we are at a point when we can reflect and assess the damage, celebrate success and identify next steps.
The beginning of the month felt like a whirlwind of farewells – from the Year 13 form class and leavers’ events, staggered senior prizegivings and goodbye pic of Level 3 and Scholarship boards bound for Wellington. We also had to farewell a staff member – our part timer Alyssa Vennings Thomas who has been teaching the junior programme during the latter part of this year. Alyssa will be sadly missed and we wish her well in her future endeavours.
This year we joined creative forces to showcase our senior students in ‘AMT’ (with the Media and Technology departments) A first ever display of the ‘makers’ in KHCL – generously supported by Belinda and team from PAG and warmly received and supported by family, friends and the wider school community.
With the seniors now on study leave, we look forward to supporting Y9&10 students working towards the Junior Arts Festival in TAPAC. This is always a special curriculum highlight for M.A.D.D. (Music, Dance, Drama, Visual Art) featuring moving images from Media on display and refreshments and nibbles supplied by PAG. Whilst this year’s festival will feature one show only – there will most likely be selected encore performances and a Visual Art display for the Junior Prizegiving at the end of the year.
Also, it is worth making a special mention to the joined winners of the Y11 Peter Coxon Cup – Hannah Chung and Sophia Collins (Sophia Collins is featured receiving the Peter Coxon Cup). As a staff we were unable to split the decision – so in fairness they both share the award this year for their Outstanding Critical and Creative work
Lastly, to our top Art Scholar of the year – congratulations to Jamie Heathcote for receiving the Y13 TuiSamoa Cup for Outstanding Achievement in Art Design and Art Photography.
11Art by Hannah Chung & Sophia Collins – Joint recipients of the Y11 Peter Coxon Cup 2020, 13Art Photography and Design Illustration by Jamie Heathcote this year’s recipient of the TuiSamoa Cup for Outstanding Achievement in Art.
Ia Manuia HOD Art – Lily Laita