Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

The team has had a great month! On Wednesday 9th June we held our annual Peace Ambassador Training Day run by the Peace Foundation. As usual it was very successful – there was positive feedback from the students on the skills that they learned, and from the facilitators – they loved the enthusiasm and engagement of our students. We talked about different ways of dealing with conflict, and learned how to listen in a way that allows someone else to find solutions to their problems. We also role played how to run a mediation.
On Thursday 10th June we raised $269 for Shine, the charity that supports families who are facing domestic violence at home. A hot chocolate and cookie were sold for $3, a great way of raising money and awareness.
Our next event will be Schools’ Peace Week, from 1st – 9th of August. The theme this year is ‘Inner Peace for Outward Action’ so we are busy planning events for that. On Friday 13th of August a team will be going to the annual Schools’ Peace Symposium where we join with other schools to celebrate the work we do and hear from inspiring speakers who work for peace.