Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…
Year 9 and 10 Health classes will begin their sexuality education in the second half of this term. The dates following are a guide to when each year level is most likely to begin their sexuality programme.
Year 9 classes will begin the sexuality unit of work in either week 6, 7 or 8. The first few lessons will review pubertal changes and reproductive systems. For most students this will be revision of the work done in their intermediate schools. The next area of focus is Relationships, which can include healthy vs unhealthy relationships; respectful relationships; communication in relationships; and consent. The final focus is Staying Safe, which can include personal safety (listening to our feelings), contraception, STI’s and reproduction. Decision making, assertive skills and support people (e.g. whanau) and school/community organisations are included in many of the lessons.
Most Year 10 classes will begin their sexuality unit in weeks 6 or 7. Topics in the Year 10 Sexuality unit include influences on relationships and sexuality, communication and decision making, types of relationships, healthy relationships, rights and responsibilities, responding to pressures and challenges, breaking up, consent, supporting others, reproductive systems, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and safer sex.
The Ministry of Education has provided schools with guidelines in the ‘Relationships & Sexuality Education: A Guide for Teachers, Leaders and Boards of Trustees’. They have also provided a pamphlet for parents/whanau. If you would like to read the pamphlet the following link will connect you ( ).
The Education and Training Act 2020 (section 51), allows parents or caregivers to write to the principal requesting to have their child excluded from any particular element of sexuality education in a health education programme.
If you have any questions regarding the sexuality unit, please e-mail their Health teacher or the HOD Health, Karalee Green.