Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

It has been a busy start to the year in the library with over 25 class visits, orientations, and research sessions. 500 books have gone out since term began!
We were excited to receive our first shipment of books from the Kotahi Rau Pukapuka translation project, including full te reo editions of Harry Potter, The Alchemist, and DC vs Marvel. Sharda has also done great work building a collection of primary and secondary resources for history and social studies students. It has been good seeing classes come in and delve into the collection. We continue to buy books and particularly welcome requests from staff for wide reading material that can fit seamlessly into the themes of their classroom teaching. Sharda and I are looking forward to a great year working with you all.
Our team of library monitors for 2022 includes: Zephyr, Amy, Rosa, Isabella, Sophia, Henri, Claudia, Adrika, Alex, Kowser, Maha, Esther, and Alice. These students keep the library running smoothly and spreading enthusiasm for reading among the student community.
From Andrew and Sharda