International students returning to New Zealand are on the horizon from July onwards and we
are on the lookout for homestay families to host them. We pay a generous amount to
households who take on international students – see ad. elsewhere in this Newsletter if you are
interested in this opportunity.
The impact of COVID on our school community is definitely receding with our year level
rostering home programme ending and with attendance rates now over 90% each day.
I’m sure you don’t actually need me to tell you that it’s great for any child’s wellbeing and
learning to be at school with their friends, teachers and other school staff. You also know that
we have very good systems in place to keep everyone as safe as possible. This is why we
remain confident about being open at Red.
I want to remind you too that in our school, we are keeping the additional layers of protection in
place to help prevent or reduce the risk of onward spread. All adults in our school who are
working with students are fully vaccinated and even though the mandate requiring this has
been removed we will not hire anyone who is not vaccinated. If they are eligible, I encourage
you to get your child vaccinated, too.
Mask wearing for our students and for adults remains in place in indoor spaces and we are
getting lots of fresh air during the day during this delightful weather, which sees all of our
students heading outside at interval and lunchtime. We continue to recommend mask wearing
outside when not eating or drinking or playing sport to maximise safety and we also continue to
focus on basic hygiene such as washing hands regularly, covering any coughs and sneezes, and
cleaning surfaces regularly.
If you have any concerns about sending your child to school, please get in touch – our team is
here to help. We want children to be at school and engaging in learning with their friends.
Your job remains the same, too: please continue to keep a really close watch of your family for
anyone with symptoms. If unwell, please stay at home and get advice about getting a COVID-19
All the best,
Ivan Davis