Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

“Enchanted Ruins” was the theme to this year’s ball and the transformed ballroom definitely looked enchanting thanks to Asha Vaidya (mastermind behind the theming), Beth Fitzgerald and our Events leaders – Nick Mount, Petra Oh, Ritushan Naguleswaran and Jessie Tumulty. We are grateful to the group of staff and students who spent Saturday morning decorating the venue.

The pouring rain did not dampen the high spirits of the students who attended the ball and they looked stunning in suits and ball gowns. Some even dressed to the theme!! Our school value of Creativity really did come to the fore!

Congratulations to the following students who got the most votes in each of the ball categories:

Ball Kingi: Tumohio Newman
Ball Kuini: Kimiora Rhind-Wilson
Ball King: Shaan Vaidya
Ball Queen: Lotta McNamara
Ball Princess: Elly-Mae Lawson
Ball Prince: Theo Gorman
Cutest Couple: Margot Somerville and Sonny Frizzell
Best Dressed Couple: Nina Stichbury and Gully Twiss
Best Dressed: Ruby Beesley
Best Dressed Teacher: Cade Robbins
The night would not have been successful without the team of staff who attended the ball to help with supervision. Thank you for giving up your Saturday night for school work.