It is wonderful to begin this Newsletter with the acknowledgement of the receipt of $1,000 deposited into our accounts by BISC – Business in Service of the Community. This annual donation is much appreciated by the school and will be used to fund one of the many worthwhile initiatives we have underway. More specific details to come in a later Newsletter as the gift was received only hours ago.
In Update #80 sent out on Friday last week, I somewhat apprehensively alerted senior students (and parents) to our school ‘derived grade’ examinations coming up in week 9 (September 19th start date). I say “apprehensively” because I know these will be stressors for many, more so given the continued disruption to attendance due to winter flu season and Covid’s ongoing impact. This also affects teacher attendance as many of you will know by the number of ‘relievers’ your kids have during the course of a week.
I noted, and offered assurance that NZQA is looking at the kinds of changes to assessment that are appropriate to the situation we face in 2022. Many will remember the Learning Recognition Credits; Unexpected Event Grades and reduced thresholds for Merit and Excellence endorsement that were implemented in 2021. The NCEA Professional Advisory Group is looking at potential interventions for 2022 that:
- Are equitable and proportionate to the disruption faced this year
- Credential actual learning that has occurred
- Is easy to understand and broadly accepted by the community and tertiary institutions
- Minimises workload associated with implementation
- Supports all students to access quality pathways through NCEA and into further education, training and employment.
This is noted as high priority for the MOE and NZQA and, as stated in my Update, I will keep you posted on any developments/decisions as they come to hand.
Best wishes for the term,
Ivan Davis