Senior Course Selection for 2023 (information due in Term 3, 2022)
Term 3 is course selection for 2023 for Years 10-12 students. Information will be sent to whānau over the next couple of weeks. The deadline for Senior Course Selection is 4pm Thursday 15th September. Year 10’s will have a Course Selection Assembly so they clearly understand the process and the requirements for NCEA Level 1 for 2023. Students will go through how to complete their course selection in form class over the next few weeks as well.
Year 11 MCAT: Thursday 15th September (morning)
The Year 11 MCAT (Maths Common Assessment Task) will take place on Thursday the 15th September. Details for what is required on the actual day will be sent out closer to the time and will be discussed in Year 11 Maths classes.