Kia ora to all our Springs-Waiōrea (WSCW) whānau, below are our key dates & events…

Greetings from Rangitoto – the creative buzz of our senior cohorts working on their individual programmes is ramping up as we move into the second half of the year. Junior students are also producing some innovative results – with the second lot of Y9 students working their way through the booklet and the Y10s composing their Kelcy Taratoa inspired paintings for Level 1 credits
Last month we were fortunate to have the senior Art Photography classes take part in a whole day of EOTC. Organised by the TIC Art Photography (Danielle Teleiai) students travelled to a private venue in Kumeu where they were able to learn and trial new techniques and processes to utilise in the development of their work back at school. With three Art staff working with students – Danielle also secured the services of a technician who will also be joining us in a part time capacity. We are pleased to welcome Madeline Ireland and look forward to the added value she will bring to the department.
Congratulations to ex-Springs student Matthieus Elwood whose work from 2022 was chosen for the Top Art exhibition. As an Excellence exemplar, his level three photography boards will travel around the North Island – details of the interview and dates on the NZQA site. VISUAL ART NEWS
Last, but not least – thanks for the generous donations of newspaper for the department. We are still happy to receive any that have not made it to the recycling – these can be left with any of the staff or on the large tables in Rangitoto.
Ia Manuia
Lily Laita