Plastic Free July Competition
We ended Term 2 and started Term 3 with our Plastic Free July competition. We have had amazing entries from students who did their best to avoid using plastic in the month of July while also gaining House points with their entries. Here are some examples of our Sustainability Champions:
There was also a draw and some students won Plastic Free prizes generously donated by Ethique.
ECO TIP – What you can put in your Auckland Council food scraps bin
- Fruit and vegetable scraps, including peelings, cores, stalks and skin.
- Bread, pasta and rice.
- Dairy products.
- Meat bones and scraps, including fat trimmings.
- Fish bones and scraps, including shellfish shells.
- Egg shells, nut shells and coconut husks.
- Coffee grounds and tea leaves.
- Indoor cut flowers.
- Auckland Council compostable bin liners – for more information, including availability, see Food scraps collection bins and bin liners.
- Any type of certified home compostable bin liner.
- Paper to line your kitchen caddy to help soak up any liquids.
What you can’t put in your food scraps bin:
Plastic bags. – Disposable food containers (including compostable items). – Food wrapping, including cling film, waxed paper or aluminium foil. – Cloth and clothing. – Nappies and sanitary products. – Pet waste. – Liquids or chemicals. – Cigarette butts. – Soil or rocks. – Garden waste like weeds, lawn clippings or hedge trimmings. – Compostable items like packaging, cups or cutlery because these are not food scraps.
Green Goddess Castile and Glass Foaming Dispenser Combo: This combo includes an amber foaming soap dispenser and a Liquid Castile Soap. Choose from Hemp Liquid Castile Cleaning & Dish Soap scented with eucalyptus essential oil, Hemp Liquid Castile Body Soap scented with rose geranium essential oil or Hemp Liquid Castile Unscented Soap that you can add your own essential oils to. These soaps are very gentle on skin, they moisturise instead of drying out. Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Cruelty Free ~ No Animal Testing and suitable for Vegans.
Do you have a tried and tested sustainable product you would like to suggest, or a local shop that promotes sustainability that you would like to recommend? Email: with your suggestion.