TAPAC was a hive of activity again this year with our annual Junior Arts Festival. The weeks leading up to this event were filled with creativity and collaboration as kaiako and tauira worked tirelessly to bring their items to life. This year’s line up consisted of fifteen exciting works by Dance, Drama, Music, Media, Visual Art and Ngā Puna o Waiōrea Teina.
The space opened with another stunning exhibition of Visual Art and Hangarau in the TAPAC foyer. These young performers demonstrated many of the school values throughout this event. I was blown away by how these year 9 and 10 creatives worked both on and off stage. Acknowledging their curiosity, kindness, inclusiveness, commitment and generosity!
A huge thank you to all who have generously and supported this event!
Subject teachers for their endless support and guidance of their learners:
Art – Danielle Teleiai, Ashley Heelam, Sophie Bannan
Dance – Samantha Wood Rawnsley, Chloe Davison
Drama – Kayleigh Haworth, Robert Pollock
Media – Tetoki Tepaki, Louise Ryan, Claire Thomas, Dan Price
Music – Carmel McGill Wright, Victoria Chellew, Margaret Robertson
Waiōrea rōpū – Pa Chris, Whaea Bella, Matua Thomas
Hangarau whakairo – Matua Uekaha Dunn
The Parent Action Group for your donations and kai.
Photographer – Thank you to Nina Gastreich for always finding a way to fit us into her busy schedule to take amazing photographs.
Technician – Calvin Hudson
Student Stage Managers – Britta Sumich, Dev Devoy
Kaiako helpers – Gerry Victor, Shannon Dowdall, Bex Vitoria, Manu Nagarajan, Asia Kennedy
TAPAC staff who we have the pleasure of sharing this space with.
Whānau! Thank you for supporting your young person to pursue the Arts and develop vital 21sts Century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, creative problem solving and communication.
Samantha Wood Rawnsley – Arts Coordinator