Once again our juniors and hardworking teachers put on an impressive market day, with a…

On the 8th March the Wises groups were hosted by Auckland Zoo for their annual Wises planning and inspiration day. The day was attended by Wastewise, Digiwise, Healthwise, Travelwise, our Kaitiakitanga rōpū and some of our trapping group.
It was an inspirational day for our rangatahi, where bonds and connections between the groups were formed and lots of planning for 2024 was done. We also had a range of activities and speakers including an inspiring workshop on Climate Change given by alumnus Rowan Brooks, a guest speaker from Waiorea Recycling center, a session on best practise predator trapping, an overview on Instagram and a great team building exercise.
A huge thank you to Marie Hickey who organised the day, The Zoo for hosting us and all the kaiako and ākonga who attended.