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Our 50kW solar array has been up and generating power on the Ken Havill Centre for Learning since January 2021.  We have recently installed our SolarKiosk which shows a range of live solar data, this will enable students and staff to understand and interpret our solar activity and power usage – an excellent educational tool!

What does our SolarKiosk show us?

– Live kW generation (the speedometer), plus total solar kWh generated versus power consumed.

– Solar generation and consumption by day, week, month, 4 monthly and yearly.

So what are our 136 panels generating?

The sun has generated 25,013kW of power since January!

The KHCL and surrounding buildings have used 147,877kW.  

Overall that’s enough solar power to cover approximately 17% of the power requirements for the KHCL.  In the summer months, with increased sunshine hours and reduced demand,  this will increase to around 19%.

What do the savings look like?

The total power savings for the first five months are $2,152.68, giving us an average monthly saving of  $436.50 per month.  We plan to ask students where they would like to see these funds spent. 

Our solar array is entirely community funded!  A big thank-you to everyone who has supported this project and donated panels.  We are planning to install more solar panels so that we can increase our savings and most importantly, make an even greater positive impact on the environment.

If you are interested in donating a panel or even an additional panel to this project see here

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