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The Year 10 Careers Programme aims to broaden students’ ideas while developing their skills for further independent career research.

Heads of Houses begin the week by demonstrating how NCEA works, including how to achieve the best results.

With careers teachers, Year 10 students explore ways to investigate careers options based on their interests using an online tool called Dreamcatcher.  After creating their own Dreamcatcher profile, students view the Careers website and WSC Careers Hub .  Students research possible jobs matching their interests using an online quiz called Career Quest then view job opportunities, pay and training/entry requirements.   

Students learn to seek information, particularly in WSC coursebooks (here under “Academic” heading), which give subject prerequisites required to study at the next school year level. This becomes especially important after year 11. They can also view tertiary entry requirements (click on Tertiary/Private for full list) and recommended subjects for different jobs here.

Student can log onto Dreamcatcher at home through the Year 10 Career Classroom and may log into dreamcatcher to show you the jobs they researched.

Key advice about for Year 10s making subject choices

  1. Students tend to achieve better academically in subjects they enjoy.  
  2. A manageable load is important when deciding subjects.  
  3. Keeping subject options open in case of a change of plans is paramount.
  4. Check ahead for Year 12 subject prerequisites when deciding year 11 subject selection.
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