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Arts News

Skill building, creating, connecting, refining, rehearsing and much more! It has been a busy term here at WSCW in all of the Arts learning spaces. This term has seen many performance  and assessment events for Music, Dance, Drama and Kapa…

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Green Jam 2022

Green Jam 2022 was live and enlivening! The sustainability conference was an amazingly informative and inspiring event. A result of the collaboration of students from Wastewise, Year 12 Education for Sustainability and the Kaitiaki rōpū.  The Zoo generously allowed us…

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Laptop Appeal

With families around NZ experiencing increasing financial hardship - we have an increasing number of families who are unable to purchase laptops for their children.  We are raising funds to get these vital learning tools into their hands.  At the…

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Arts News

It’s Showtime! At the end of term two we warmly invited whānua, kaiako and tauira to our Junior Arts showing in the school hall. This new event aimed to give our creative young people a chance to share their creative…

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Library Week

When: Week 7, 5th September to 9th Our wonderful librarians Sharda and Andrew have an exciting week lined up to celebrate all things literature and language. A famous New Zealand author (to be revealed) will be visiting the school to…

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