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Interhouse Mathex

The WSC Interhouse Mathex took place on the 16th of August. The competition, a replica of Mathex, had competitors from each house solving challenging mathematics questions to gain as many points as they could before time ran out. Congratulations to…

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Celebrating the Moon!

Here's another stunning photo taken by our International student, Yisu Wang. He said: "To shoot the moon, I used a 600mm telephoto lens with an equatorial mount, and took 200 photos in a row, which were then synthesised in post-production.…

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Green Jam 2024!

Green Jam 2024 was held on the 19th of August at Auckland Zoo. The event was organised by our Wastewise students with support from the Kaitiaki rōpū. It included workshops focusing on environmental sustainability such as Predator Control, Te Whau…

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WSC’s participation in Mathex 2024

A few Wednesdays ago, on the 21st of August, Western Springs College had three incredible team representatives compete in the once-a-year Mathex competition. Mathex is an annual celebration of students’ love for mathematics, demonstrated through a quick and pressure-based battle…

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