Once again our juniors and hardworking teachers put on an impressive market day, with a…

Heads of House and camp staff have started preparing for the Year 9 camp this year. We are excited!!
Year 9 Kapura and Moana camp is first up from 25th to 27th November followed by Atea and Whenua camp from 27th to 29th November. Both camp will be at Hunua Falls. An information/health and permission form will be emailed to all parents early next term after we get approval from the Board and Principal to run the camp. Safety of all our students and staff is paramount so the Board and Principal go through our Risk Assessment Method statements carefully before giving us final approval.
In the meantime, please could whānau pay the camp fee of $235 as soon as possible. We will need complete payment 2 weeks prior to the camp as we have to start ordering and purchasing food and other resources for the camps.
Running a camp for 120 students is not possible without the added commitment of the 14 staff that have volunteered to be on each camp.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou!!