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Visual Arts News

Extended Greetings from Rangitoto, Despite the disruptive start to the year, it has been a whirlwind of activity as students have settled into the first term - introducing them to the new programmes and upcoming challenges for the year. On…

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Eco News

Eco tip - Choose local Local food, local artists, local clothes makers, local menders… not only is this beneficial financially, it is also a more environmental choice as products don't travel as far to get to you.  Would you like…

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Te Matatini 2023

Congratulations to all past and present kaiako and ākonga who took part in various rōpū at Te Matatini this year. Ngā Puna o Waiōrea was well represented in Angitū by sixteen Alumni Waiōrea students, former kaiako and a current student.…

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Warm welcome back in 2023!

We welcome all our staff, teachers/kaiako, students/ākonga and their families/whānau back to the 2023 school year at Western Springs College-Ngā Puna o Waiōrea. Last week on Thursday (16 February), we hosted our Pasifika Fanau at a Meet & Greet BBQ…

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Blue Light 2023 Programmes

Blue Light is a registered charity that works in partnership with the NZ Police to provide young people of Aotearoa New Zealand opportunities that empower and challenge!  All of the Blue Light programmes can be found on its website…

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